Kompilatorer och interpretatorer: Lecture 9

Note: This is an outline of what I intend to say on the lecture. It is not a definition of the course content, and it does not replace the textbook.

Today: More GC. Interpreters. Stack machines. Executing the syntax tree.
ASU 2.8.

Rest from the previous lecture: Garbage collection

The Very Basics of Garbage Collection


Old program (grows and crashes):
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
  while (1)
  return 0;
New program (works Ok):
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "gc.h"

int main() {
  while (1)
  return 0;
C++: Several ways. One is to inherit from class gc:
class A: public gc {...};
A* a = new A;       // a is collectable. 



2.8 Abstract stack machines

The basics (you remember this from the lab)

Example: 2 * 3 + 4 * 5


push 2
push 3
push 4
push 5
Operations: push, pop (and throw away), +, -, *, ...
We need an opcode, plus an "immediate" or "address" field

l-values and r-values ("left"-values, "right"-values)

Example: 2 * a + 3


push 2
rvalue a
push 3

Example: a = 2 * a + 3


lvalue a
push 2
rvalue a
push 3
Operations: lvalue, rvalue

Control flow


Statements: IF

"Yacc pseudocode", with an operator+ that concatenates instruction sequences:
stmt: IF '(' expr ')' stmt1 {
  int afterwards = newlabel();
  $$ = $3 +
       instr(gofalse, afterwards) +
       $5 +
       instr(label, afterwards);
Or, with plain printf:
stmt: IF '(' expr ')'
      { afterwards = newlabel(); printf("gofalse %d\n", afterwards); }
      { printf("label%d\n", afterwards); }
Example source code:
if (a > 2)
  a = a + 1;
Target code for the stack machine:
rvalue a
push 2
gofalse 1
lvalue a
rvalue a
push 1
label 1

Statements: WHILE

"Yacc pseudocode":
stmt: WHILE '(' expr ')' stmt1 {
  int before = newlabel();
  int afterwards = newlabel();
  $$ = instr(label, before) +
       $3 +
       instr(gofalse, afterwards) +
       $5 +
       instr(jump, before) +
       instr(label, afterwards);
Example source code:
if (a > 2)
  while (a < 10)
    a = a + 1;
Target code for the stack machine:
rvalue a
push 2
gofalse 1
label 2
rvalue a
push 10
gofalse 3
lvalue a
rvalue a
push 1
jump 2
label 3
label 1

Short-circuit evaluation of boolean operators

if (expr1 || expr2) ...
Target code for the stack machine:
Code for expr1
gotrue 1
Code for expr2
label 1
And use it for something. With a statement:
if (expr1 || expr2) statement
Target code for the stack machine:
Code for expr1
gotrue 1
Code for expr2
label 1
gofalse 2
Code for statement
label 2

Executing the syntax tree


Thomas Padron-McCarthy (Thomas.Padron-McCarthy@tech.oru.se) February 16, 2003