Intermediärkod. Treadresskod. Maskinoberoende optimering.

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Det här är ungefär vad jag tänker säga på föreläsningen. Använd det för förberedelser, repetition och ledning. Det är inte en definition av kursinnehållet, och det ersätter inte kursboken.

Idag: Intermediärkod. Treadresskod. Maskinoberoende optimering.

(Det här hinner vi nog inte med på bara en föreläsning.)

Mellankodsgenerering ("Intermediate-Code Generation")

(ALSU-07 kapitel 6, ASU-86 kapitel 8)

Why generate intermediate code? Why not do everything "in the Yacc grammar"? Some reasons:

Olika sorters mellankod

(ASU-86 avsnitt 8.1, ALSU-07 avsnitt 6.1-6.2)

Some ways to represent the program:

Graphical representations: Trees (or DAGs)

As before. Just note two things more: ASU-86 Fig 8.4:

Two representations of a tree

Men: Postfixkod är svårjobbat om man ska optimera.
Exempel på infixkod: 1*(a+2)*b
I ett syntaxträd är det ganska enkelt att hitta, och optimera bort, multiplikationen med 1.
Postfixkoden: 1 a 2 + * b *
Svårt att hitta multiplikationen med 1 i postfixkoden! Svårt att ta bort den!

Treadresskod ("Three-Address Code")

(ASU-86 avsnitt 8.2, ALSU-07 avsnitt 6.2)

var1 = var2 operation var3

Example: x + y * z

temp1 = y * z
temp2 = x + temp2
Note: Example (on rearranging): (a - b) - (a + b)

Postfix: a b - a b + -

Three-Address code:

temp1 = a - b
temp2 = a + b
temp3 = temp1 - temp2
Idea: Each internal node corresponds to a temp-variable!

Example: a = b * -c + b * -c (The tree in ASU-86 fig. 8.4a)

temp1 = - c
temp2 = b * temp1
temp3 = - c
temp4 = b * temp1
temp5 = temp2 + temp3
a = temp5
The DAG in ASU-86 fig. 8.4b:
temp1 = - c
temp2 = b * temp1
temp5 = temp2 + temp2
a = temp5

Types of three-address statements

  1. Assignment: x = y op z (Ex: temp5 = a + temp4)
  2. Assignment: x = op y (Ex: temp3 = - temp4)
  3. Copy: x = y (Ex: a = temp3)
  4. Jump: goto L
  5. Conditional jump: if x relop y goto L (Ex: if (temp7 < temp2) goto L7)
  6. Procedure call: call p, n
  7. Parameter for procedure call: param x
  8. Return from procedure call: return y. Ex:
    param temp4
    param a
    param b
    call f, 3
  9. Indexed assignment: x = y[z] (ex: temp5 [ temp4 ] = temp9)
  10. Indexed assignment: x[y] = z
  11. Pointer and address operations: x = &y
  12. x = *y
  13. *x = y

Syntax-directed translation into three-address code

(ALSU-07 avsnitt 6.4 och 6.6, ASU-86 avsnitt 8.3-8.5)

Synthesized attributes:
E.addr = the name of the temporary variable (kallades place i ASU-86)
E.code = the sequence of three-address statements that calculates the value (or they could be written to a file instead of stored in the attribute)

Production Semantic rule
Start -> id = Expr Start.code = Expr.code + [ id.addr ":=" Expr.addr ]
Expr -> Expr1 + Expr2 Expr.addr = make_new_temp();
Expr.code = Expr1.code + Expr2.code + [ Expr.addr = Expr1.addr "+" Expr2.addr; ]
Expr -> Expr1 * Expr2 Expr.addr = make_new_temp();
Expr.code = Expr1.code + Expr2.code + [ Expr.addr = Expr1.addr "*" Expr2.addr; ]
Expr -> - Expr1 Expr.addr = make_new_temp();
Expr.code = Expr1.code + [ Expr.addr = "-" Expr1.addr; ]
Expr -> ( Expr1 ) Expr.addr = Expr1.addr; // No new temp!
Expr.code = Expr1.code;
Expr -> id Expr.addr = id.addr; // No temp!
Expr.code = ' '; // No code!

(Se tabellen i ALSU-07 fig. 6.19, eller i ASU-86 fig. 8.15.)

While statement (very similar to generating stack machine code, see föreläsning 9):

Production Semantic rule
Stmt -> while ( Expr ) Stmt1 Stmt.before = make_new_label();
Stmt.after = make_new_label();
Stmt.code = [ "label" Stmt.before ] + Expr.code +
[ "if" Expr.addr "==" "0" "goto" Stmt.after; ] +
Stmt1.code +
[ "goto" Stmt.before ] + [ "label" Stmt.after ];

(Se tabellen i ALSU-07 fig. 6.36, eller i ASU-86 fig. 8.23.)


A way to represent three-address code.

Op Arg1 Arg2 result
0 uminus c temp1
1 * b temp1 temp2
2 uminus c temp3
3 * b temp3 temp4
4 + temp2 temp4 temp5
5 := temp5 a

Skip: Also "triples" (but they are hard to optimize) and "indirect triples" (as easy to optimize as quadruples, but more complicated).

Kodoptimering ("Code Optimization")

Optimization: faster, smaller. (Not "optimal", just "better".)

"Hand optimization", example:

  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Equivalent to:
  i = 0;
  while (i < n) {
Can be "optimized" to:
  p = &a[0];
  p_after = &a[n];
  while (p != p_after) {
Probably no effect, or even slower. Better handled by the compiler!

Two rules about optimization by hand:

  1. Don't do it. (Usually not needed. If it is needed, leave it to the compiler.)
  2. Don't do it yet. ("90/10 rule". Profile first!)

Types of optimization:

  1. Algorithms and data structures. (Ex: Change sorting algorithm, or replace a linked list with a hash table.) Best gains (from years to seconds)! Hard for the compiler, so the programmer must do it. But: SQL!
  2. "Low-level" optimzation. (As above.) Better done by the compiler!
  3. Machine-dependent optimizations. (Register allocation, instruction choice, as in ALSU-07 chapter 8. Instruction reordering to improve pipe-lining, etc.)

Peep-hole optimization (ALSU-07 8.7, ASU-86 9.9): Simple transformations of the generated assembly (or machine) code. Ex:

MOV R0, a
MOV a, R0
can be changed to
MOV R0, a

Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs

(ALSU-07 avsnitt 8.4, ASU-86 avsnitt 9.4)

"Basic blocks" används för optimering.

Ett par termer:

Från KP sidan 119:

Basic blocks

Fler termer:

Transformationer på basic blocks (kort, mer sen i exemplet):

Ännu fler termer:


En quicksort-funktion (ALSU-07 fig. 9.1, eller ASU-86 fig 10.2):
/* recursively sorts the array a, from a[m] to a[n] */
void quicksort(int m, int n) {
  int i, j;
  int v, x;
  if (n <= m)
  i = m - 1; j = n; v = a[n];
  while (1) {
      i = i + 1;
    while (a[i] < v);
      j = j - 1;
    while (a[j] > v);
    if (i >= j)
    x = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = x; /* swap */
  x = a[i]; a[i] = a[n]; a[n] = x; /* swap */
  quicksort(m, j);
  quicksort(i + 1, n);
Some optimizations are not possible on the source level.
Example in Pascal: a[i]
Three-address code: t1 = 4*i; t2 = a[t1];
A Pascal compiler (and a C programmer!) can replace some of the 4*i calculations.

ALSU fig. 9.2 (ASU-86 fig. 10.4), three-address code for a part of the quicksort function:

30 three-address statements

Steps for the optimizer:

  1. Control flow analysis: basic blocks
  2. Data flow analysis.
  3. Transformations.

ALSU-07 fig. 9.3 (ASU-86 fig. 10.5), basic blocks and flow graph for the quicksort function:

Six basic blocks in a flow graph

Three loops:

The principal sources of optimization

(ALSU-07 avsnitt 9.1, ASU-86 avsnitt 10.2)

"Some of the most useful code-improving transformations".
Local transformation = inside a single basic block
Global transformation = several blocks (but inside a single procedure)

Semantics-Preserving Transformations

(ALSU-07 avsnitt 9-1, ASU-86 avsnitt 10.1 och 10.2)

Removing local common subexpressions (ALSU-07 sid. 588)

From ALSU-07 fig. 9.4 (ASU-86 fig. 10.6), eliminating common subexpressions inside a basic block:

t6 := 4*i
x := a[t6]
t7 := 4*i
t8 := 4*j
t9 := a[t8]
a[t7] := t9
t10 := 4*j
a[t10] := x
goto B2
can be changed to B5
t6 := 4*i
x := a[t6]
t8 := 4*j
t9 := a[t8]
a[t6] := t9
a[t8] := x
goto B2

(Remove repeat calculations, use t6 instead of t7, t8 instead of t10.)

Removing non-local common subexpressions (ALSU-07 9.1.4)

Globally, an expression E is a common subexpression if E was previously computed, and the values of the variables in E haven't changed since then.

From ALSU-07 fig 9.4, 9.5:
(We can remove 4*i, 4*j, and 4*n completely from B6!)
Remove 4*i and 4*j completely from B5!

t6 := 4*i
x := a[t6]
t8 := 4*j
t9 := a[t8]
a[t6] := t9
a[t8] := x
goto B2
can be changed to B5
x := a[t2]
t9 := a[t4]
a[t2] := t9
a[t4] := x
goto B2

x := a[t2]
t9 := a[t4]
a[t2] := t9
a[t4] := x
goto B2
can then be changed to B5
x := t3
t9 := a[t4]
a[t2] := t9
a[t4] := x
goto B2

Note: a hasn't changed, so a[t4] still in t5 from B3

x := t3
t9 := a[t4]
a[t2] := t9
a[t4] := x
goto B2
can then be changed to B5
x := t3
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := x
goto B2

ALSU-07 fig. 9.5 (ASU-86 fig. 10.7), after eliminating (global) common subexpressions:

Basic blocks B5 and B6 have shrunk

Copy propagation (ALSU-07 9.1.5)

Instead of:
copy = original; ... copy ...;
Always try to use:
copy = original; ... original ...;
(We may be able to eliminate the variable copy altogether!)

x := t3
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := x
goto B2
can be changed to B5
x := t3
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := t3
goto B2

Elimination of dead code (ALSU-07 9.1.6)

Dead variables will never be used again.
Dead code (or useless code) computes values that will never be used.
Dead code can also mean code that can never be reached:
debug = 0; ... if (debug) printf(...);

x := t3
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := t3
goto B2
but x is dead, so: B5
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := t3
goto B2

Loop optimizations (ALSU-07 91.7-91.8)

Examples of code motion

(Shown here as C code, but could be done by the compiler on three-address code.)
while (i < limit - 2)
  a[i++] = x + y;
The expressions limit - 2 and x + y are loop-invariant.
t1 = limit - 2;
t2 = x + y;
while (i < t1)
  a[i++] = t2;
The next example is harder for the compiler, since strlen is just another function. (Or is it?)
for (i = 0; i < strlen(s1); ++i)
  s2[i] = s1[i];
n = strlen(s1);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
  s2[i] = s1[i];

Example of elimination of induction variables

i = 0;
j = 1;
while (a1[i] != 0) {
  a2[j] = a1[i];
Both i and j are induction variables ("loop counters").
i = 0;
while (a1[i] != 0) {
  a2[i + 1] = a1[i];

Example of both induction-variable elimination and reduction in strength

Blocket B3 (som utgör en inre loop), har j och t4, som hela tiden stegas tillsammans så att t4 == 4 * j. Bibehåll det sambandet!

j := j-1
t4 := 4*j
t5 := a[t4]
if t5 > v goto B3
blir B3
j := j-1
t4 := t4-4
t5 := a[t4]
if t5 > v goto B3

Men det där är fel, för nu får t4 inget startvärde. Men det kan vi fixa genom att peta in t4 = 4*j i block B1, som körs en enda gång (inte i B2, som körs en massa massa gånger):

ALSU-07 fig. 9.9 (ASU-86 fig 10.9):

t4 - 4 instead of 4 * j

Then a similar strength reduction of 4 * i in basic block B2.
We know that t2 == 4 * i. Maintain this relationship!

Then, i and j are used only in the test int B4.
The test i >= j can be changed to 4 * t2 >= 4 * t4 (which is equivalent to t2 >= t4).
i and j become dead!

ASU-86 fig 10.10, after eliminating induction variables i and j:

After eliminating i and j

Exempel på en annan loop-optimering: Loop unrolling (ALSU-07 sid. 735)

(Shown here as C code, but could be done by the compiler on three-address code.)

for (i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
    a[i][j] = i + 2 * j;
may be transformed by unrolling the inner loop:
for (i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
    a[i][0] = i;
    a[i][1] = i + 2;
or by unrolling the outer loop too:
    a[0][0] = 0;
    a[0][1] = 2;
    a[1][0] = 1;
    a[1][1] = 3;
    a[2][0] = 2;
    a[2][1] = 4;
    a[19][0] = 19;
    a[19][1] = 21;
Men, varning: cachen! En för stor loop kanske inte får plats i processorns instruktionscache.

Exempel på en annan viktig optimering: Eliminering av svans-rekursion

Beskrivs på källkodsnivå på sid 73 i ALSU-07 avsnitt 2.5.4, men görs automatiskt av moderna kompilatorer.



Symbolic debugging of optimized code

(Verkar inte stå i boken.)
int a;
void f(string a) {
  while (1) {
    int a;
    ...        <-- In the debugger: print a
What is needed, for symbolic debugging in general? Why debug optimized code? Why not debug unoptimized code, and only turn on the debugger when the program finally works?

A program may work when unoptimized, but not when optimized. For example, the C standard specifies undefined behaviour in certain cases. such as:

char s[10];
s[14] = 'x';
The behaviour depends entirely on what happens to be stored at the memory location 5 bytes after the end of s: unused padding, a variable, or the return address in an activation record? This can be different with or without optimization, since optimization, for example, can eliminate variables.

Deducing values of variables in basic blocks

When the user wants the debugger to show the current value of a: Other problems: A solution (not on the exam):
Let the compiler generate enough information for the debugger to deduce ("find out") the value of a variable. (Doesn't work always.)

ASU-86 fig 10.68. Assume that the source, intermediate and target representation are the same.

Source and optimized code

ASU-86 fig 10.69. A DAG for the variables. The DAG shows how values depend on each other. Then, annotate it with life-time information.

Annotated DAG

Example 1 (just the unoptimized program):
c = a + b after step 1. (Life time: 2-3)
c = c - e after step 3. (Life time: 4-infinity)

Example 2 (the optimized program):
c = a after step 5'. (Life time: 6'-infinty)
c is undefined in 1'-5'! (But can be calculated, differently depending on when!)

Example 3:
An overflow occurs in the optimized code, in statement 2', t = b * e.
The first source statement that uses the node b * e is 5.
Therefore, tell the user the program crashed in source statement 5!

Then the user says:

print b -> show b (lifetime 1-5 and 1'-4')
Explanation: b still has its initial value, both at 2' and at 5.

print c -> can't show actual stored c (lifetime 6-infinity)
Instead, find the DAG node for c at time 5 (-).
(Optimized) a will contain this value after 4', but not yet!
Consider the children: d contains the value from the + node at 2'-infinity. e contains the value from the E0 node at 1'-infinity. So use d - e!

ALSU-07 kapitel 12: Interprocedural Analysis

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Thomas Padron-McCarthy ( 13 oktober 2007