On a Unix or Linux system, with gcc installed, you can compile the program by just typing make.
StackMachine.h |
StackMachine.cpp |
stacktest.cpp |
StackMachine.h |
StackMachine.cpp |
stacktest.cpp |
// StackMachine.h -- interface file for the stack machine // Thomas Padron-McCarthy (Thomas.Padron-McCarthy@oru.se) 2003 class Exception { private: std::string the_message; public: Exception(const std::string& m) : the_message(m) { } const std::string& message() const { return the_message; } }; // Stack operations according to ASU pp 65-66 // Warning! If you change this, you must change StackMachine.cpp too! enum StackOp { push, // Push a number rvalue, // Push a reference to a variable lvalue, // Push the contents of a variable pop, assign, copy, plus, minus, times, divide, modulo, label, // Realistically, this shouldn't really be an instruction jump, gofalse, gotrue, halt }; class Instruction { private: enum StackOp the_op; int the_argument; struct OpInfo { enum StackOp op; std::string name; int nr_args; }; static OpInfo op_info[]; public: Instruction(enum StackOp op, int argument); Instruction(enum StackOp op); enum StackOp op() const { return the_op; } int argument() const { return the_argument; } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Instruction& i); }; class StackMachine { private: std::vector<int> stack; // Not std::stack, if we want to print it std::vector<Instruction> program; std::map<int, int, std::less<int> > labels; std::map<int, int, std::less<int> > variables; int pc; int running; int trace; std::ostream& outstream; void stackpush(int x); int stackpop(); void internal_run(); void internal_cont(); void internal_step(); public: StackMachine(std::ostream& os = std::cout); void append(const Instruction& i); void showstate() const; void list_program() const; void run(); void cont(); void single_step(); void set_trace(int t); };
// StackMachine.h -- implementation file for the stack machine // Thomas Padron-McCarthy (Thomas.Padron-McCarthy@oru.se) 2003 #include <iostream> #include <vector> // #include <stack> -- (Perhaps surprisingly) not. #include <map> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include "StackMachine.h" Instruction::Instruction(enum StackOp op, int argument) : the_op(op), the_argument(argument) { if (op_info[op].nr_args != 1) { std::stringstream s; s << "Tried to create " << op_info[op].name << " instruction with an argument (" << argument << ")."; throw Exception(s.str()); } } Instruction::Instruction(enum StackOp op) : the_op(op), the_argument(0) { if (op_info[op].nr_args != 0) { std::stringstream s; s << "Tried to create " << op_info[op].name << " instruction without an argument."; throw Exception(s.str()); } } std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Instruction& i) { o << i.op_info[i.op()].name; if (i.op_info[i.op()].nr_args == 1) o << "," << i.argument(); } // Warning! If you change this, you must change StackMachine.h too! Instruction::OpInfo Instruction::op_info[] = { { push, "push", 1 }, { rvalue, "rvalue", 1 }, { lvalue, "lvalue", 1 }, { pop, "pop", 0 }, { assign, "assign", 0 }, { copy, "copy", 0 }, { plus, "plus", 0 }, { minus, "minus", 0 }, { times, "times", 0 }, { divide, "divide", 0 }, { modulo, "modulo", 0 }, { label, "label", 1 }, { jump, "jump", 1 }, { gofalse, "gofalse", 1 }, { gotrue, "gotrue", 1 }, { halt, "halt", 0 } }; void StackMachine::stackpush(int x) { stack.push_back(x); } int StackMachine::stackpop() { if (stack.empty()) throw Exception("Program tried to pop from empty stack."); int result = stack.back(); stack.pop_back(); return result; } void StackMachine::internal_run() { pc = 0; stack.clear(); variables.clear(); internal_cont(); } void StackMachine::internal_cont() { running = 1; while (running) { internal_step(); } } void StackMachine::internal_step() { int r, l; if (pc >= program.size()) { std::stringstream s; s << "PC " << pc << " outside program (0.." << program.size() - 1 << ")."; throw Exception(s.str()); } int op = program[pc].op(); int arg = program[pc].argument(); if (trace) { outstream << "Trace: " << pc << ": "; outstream << program[pc]; outstream << std::endl; } switch (op) { case push: stackpush(arg); pc++; break; case rvalue: if (variables.find(arg) == variables.end()) { std::stringstream s; s << "Program tried to get value of unset variable (number " << arg << ")."; throw Exception(s.str()); } stackpush(variables[arg]); pc++; break; case lvalue: stackpush(arg); pc++; break; case pop: stackpop(); pc++; break; case assign: r = stackpop(); l = stackpop(); variables[l] = r; pc++; break; case copy: r = stackpop(); stackpush(r); stackpush(r); pc++; break; case plus: r = stackpop(); l = stackpop(); stackpush(l + r); pc++; break; case minus: r = stackpop(); l = stackpop(); stackpush(l - r); pc++; break; case times: r = stackpop(); l = stackpop(); stackpush(l * r); pc++; break; case divide: r = stackpop(); l = stackpop(); if (r == 0) { std::stringstream s; s << "Program tried to calculate " << l << " / " << r << "."; throw Exception(s.str()); } stackpush(l / r); pc++; break; case modulo: r = stackpop(); l = stackpop(); if (r == 0) { std::stringstream s; s << "Program tried to calculate " << l << " % " << r << "."; throw Exception(s.str()); } stackpush(l % r); pc++; break; case label: // A nop ("no operation") pc++; break; case jump: if (labels.find(arg) == labels.end()) { std::stringstream s; s << "Program tried to jump to nonexistent label (number " << arg << ")."; throw Exception(s.str()); } pc = labels[arg]; // We know this is inside the program break; case gofalse: r = stackpop(); if (!r) { if (labels.find(arg) == labels.end()) { std::stringstream s; s << "Program tried to jump to nonexistent label (number " << arg << ")."; throw Exception(s.str()); } pc = labels[arg]; // We know this is inside the program } else pc++; break; case gotrue: r = stackpop(); if (r) { if (labels.find(arg) == labels.end()) { std::stringstream s; s << "Program tried to jump to nonexistent label (number " << arg << ")."; throw Exception(s.str()); } pc = labels[arg]; // We know this is inside the program } else pc++; break; case halt: pc++; running = 0; if (trace) outstream << "Program halted." << std::endl; break; default: std::stringstream s; s << "Illegal instruction in program (instruction " << op << " at position " << pc << ")."; throw Exception(s.str()); break; } // switch } // internal_step StackMachine::StackMachine(std::ostream& os) : pc(0), running(0), trace(0), outstream(os) { } void StackMachine::append(const Instruction& i) { if (i.op() == label) { if (labels.find(i.argument()) != labels.end()) { std::stringstream s; s << "Tried to re-define label " << i.argument() << "."; throw Exception(s.str()); } labels[i.argument()] = program.size(); } program.push_back(i); } void StackMachine::showstate() const { outstream << "State of the stack machine:\n"; outstream << " pc = " << pc; if (pc >= program.size()) outstream << " (last program instruction is at " << program.size() - 1 << ")"; else { outstream << " (instruction: "; outstream << program[pc]; outstream << ")"; } outstream << "\n"; outstream << " trace = " << trace << "\n"; outstream << " Stack (size " << stack.size() << ")\n"; if (!stack.empty()) { outstream << " "; for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator p = stack.begin(); p < stack.end(); ++p) outstream << *p << " "; outstream << "\n"; } outstream << " Variables (" << variables.size() << " " << (variables.size() == 1 ? "variable" : "variables") << ")\n"; if (!variables.empty()) { outstream << " "; for (std::map<int, int, std::less<int> >::const_iterator p = variables.begin(); p != variables.end(); ++p) outstream << (*p).first << "=" << (*p).second << " "; outstream << "\n"; } outstream << std::endl; } // showstate void StackMachine::list_program() const { outstream << "Program listing (length " << program.size() << ")\n"; if (!program.empty()) { int pos = 0; for (std::vector<Instruction>::const_iterator p = program.begin(); p < program.end(); ++p) { outstream << " " << pos << ": "; outstream << *p; if (p->op() == label) { for (int cfp = 0; cfp < program.size(); ++cfp) { enum StackOp cfp_op = program[cfp].op(); if ( program[cfp].argument() == p->argument() && (cfp_op == jump || cfp_op == gofalse || cfp_op == gotrue)) { outstream << " (target from " << cfp << ")"; } } } if (pos == pc) outstream << " <-- PC"; outstream << "\n"; ++pos; } } outstream << std::endl; } // showsprogram void StackMachine::run() { if (trace) outstream << "run(): Starting execution at position 0..." << std::endl; internal_run(); } void StackMachine::cont() { if (trace) outstream << "cont(): Continuing execution at position " << pc << "..." << std::endl; internal_cont(); } void StackMachine::single_step() { if (trace) outstream << "single_step(): Stepping one instruction at position " << pc << "..." << std::endl; internal_step(); } void StackMachine::set_trace(int t) { trace = t; }
// stacktest.cpp -- a small program to test the stack machine // Thomas Padron-McCarthy (Thomas.Padron-McCarthy@oru.se) 2003 #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include "StackMachine.h" int main() { StackMachine sm; try { sm.append(Instruction(push, 10)); sm.append(Instruction(lvalue, 17)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 4711)); sm.append(Instruction(assign)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 100)); sm.append(Instruction(gofalse, 1)); // sm.append(Instruction(pop, 100)); sm.append(Instruction(pop)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 20)); sm.append(Instruction(rvalue, 17)); sm.append(Instruction(rvalue, 17)); sm.append(Instruction(rvalue, 17)); // sm.append(Instruction(rvalue, 18)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 30)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 10000)); sm.append(Instruction(plus)); sm.append(Instruction(plus)); sm.append(Instruction(label, 1)); sm.append(Instruction(label, 2)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 10)); sm.append(Instruction(label, 999)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 1)); sm.append(Instruction(minus)); sm.append(Instruction(copy)); sm.append(Instruction(gotrue, 999)); sm.append(Instruction(label, 1000)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 1)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 2)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 3)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 4)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 5)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 6)); sm.append(Instruction(plus)); sm.append(Instruction(minus)); sm.append(Instruction(times)); // sm.append(Instruction(push, 0)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 47)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 48)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 49)); sm.append(Instruction(assign)); sm.append(Instruction(divide)); sm.append(Instruction(push, 50)); sm.append(Instruction(modulo)); sm.append(Instruction(halt)); sm.showstate(); sm.list_program(); sm.set_trace(1); sm.run(); sm.showstate(); } catch(Exception& e) { std::cout << "*** Exception caught: " << e.message() << std::endl; sm.showstate(); sm.list_program(); } catch(...) { std::cout << "Unknown exception." << std::endl; } StackMachine sm2; try { sm2.append(Instruction(push, 10)); sm2.append(Instruction(plus)); std::cout << "--- Now, a deliberate error should be caught:" << std::endl; sm2.run(); } catch(Exception& e) { std::cout << "*** Exception caught: " << e.message() << std::endl; sm2.showstate(); sm2.list_program(); } catch(...) { std::cout << "Unknown exception." << std::endl; } return 0; }
OFILES = stacktest.o StackMachine.o stacktest: $(OFILES) g++ -o stacktest $(OFILES) StackMachine.o: StackMachine.h stacktest.o: StackMachine.h clean: rm $(OFILES) stacktest archives: clean cd ..; rm StackMachine.tar StackMachine.tar.gz StackMachine.zip StackMachine/StackMachine.tar StackMachine/StackMachine.tar.gz StackMachine/StackMachine.zip; tar -cvf StackMachine.tar StackMachine; gzip -9 StackMachine.tar; zip -r StackMachine.zip StackMachine; mv StackMachine.zip StackMachine/StackMachine.zip; mv StackMachine.tar.gz StackMachine/StackMachine.tar.gz