Kompilatorer och interpretatorer: Lecture 3

Note: This is an outline of what I intend to say on the lecture. It is not a definition of the course content, and it does not replace the textbook.

Today: Parsing by hand, the simple compiler program
Aho et al, sections 2.4 - 2.7, 2.9

But first: Rest from lecture 2:

2.3 Syntax-directed translation


Syntax-directed definitions

Grammar + what to do for each production

Syntax-directed definition = context-free grammar, plus a semantic rule (Sw: semantisk regel) for each production, that specifies how to calculate values of attributes. Example:

Production Semantic rule
expr -> expr1 + term1 expr.output -> expr1.output + term1.output + " +"

ASU fig 2.6, an annotated (= with attribute values) parse tree:

Attribute values at nodes in a parse tree

A syntax-directed definition says nothing about how the parser should build the parse tree! Just the grammar, and what to do when the tree is finished.

Depth-first traversal

(Syntax-directed) translation schemes

Grammar + what to do for each production, embedded in the grammar in the right-hand side of productions

Syntax-directed definition = context-free grammar, plus semantic actions (Sw: semantiska aktioner, semantiska åtgärder) for each production, that specifies what to do. Example:

expr -> expr1 + term1 { print("+"); }

Generates postfix!

Or, with the action somewhere in the middle:

rest -> + term1 { print("+"); } rest1

The semantic actions are put in the parse tree, just like the "real" parts. ASU fig 2.12:

An extra leaf is constructed for a semantic action

ASU fig 2.14: 9-5+2, with semantic ations

Actions translating 9-5+2 into 95-2+

As with a syntax-directed definition, a syntax-directed scheme says nothing about how the parser should build the parse tree! Just the grammar, and what to do when the tree is finished.

But we don't actually have to build the tree. Just perform the semantic actions as the tree is (not) built!

2.4 Parsing

So, how does the parser build the parse tree?
Or rather: how does the parser "navigate through the grammar", guided by the source tokens it sees, in such a way that it could build a parse tree?

Top-down parsing

Ex: Types in Pascal.
simple -> integer
simple -> char
simple -> num dotdot num
type -> simple
type -> ^ id
type -> array [ simple ] of type
array [ integer ] of char
array [ 20..40 ] of 0..3
array [ 1..5 ] of array [ 1..3 ] of 2..5
Example source program:
array [ 1 .. 10 ] of integer

array [ num dotdot num ] of integer

Top-down parsing, starting with a node for the non-terminal type.
Which of the productions (=rules) should we use? (Answer: type -> array ....)
Why? (Answer: The only production that starts with array.)

"Lookahead symbol" = "current token" = Sw: "aktuell token"

ASU fig 2.15:

Steps in top-down construction of a parse tree

ASU fig 2.16:

Top-down parsing while scanning the input from left to right

Predictive parsing

Note about backtracking: If it turns out that we have chosen the wrong production, we have to backtrack. But in this case, we know we have the right production, since it is the only one that starts with array.

If always just one production possible to chose: predictive parsing, no backtracking

Recursive-descent parsing

Recursive-descent parsing = the parser is a program with a procedure (in C: "function") for each non-terminal.
void type() {
  if (lookahead == integer or lookahead == char or lookahead == num)
  else if (lookahead == ^) {
    match(^); match(id);
  else if (lookahead == array) {
    match(array); match([); simple(); match(]); match(of); type();
match() checks that the lookahead symbol (=current token) is the expected one, and gets the next token (typically by calling the lexical analyzer).
void simple() {
  if (lookahead == integer)
  else if (lookahead == char)
  else if (lookahead == num) {
    match(num); match(dotdot); match(num);
When we write type(), it is not enough to see which tokens occur as the first token in the productions for type (^ and array). Since simple can occur as the first thing in a type, we must also see which tokens occur as the first token in productions for simple.

FIRST(x) = all possible first tokens in strings that match x.

FIRST(simple) = the set { integer, id, char }
FIRST(^ id) = the set { ^ }
FIRST(array [ simple ] of type) = the set { array }
FIRST(type) = the set { ^, array } + the set FIRST(simple) = the set { ^, array, integer, id, char }

Recursive-descent without backtracking: if the grammar contains two rules...

NT -> something
NT -> somethingelse
...then FIRST(something) and FIRST(somethingelse) must be disjoint (=no common elements).
You may have to rewrite your grammar to achieve that!

When to use empty-productions

empty-productions (a non-terminal that matches an empty string) are sometimes needed:
stmt -> begin opt_stmts end
opt_stmts -> stmt_list | empty
Use opt_stmts -> empty if nothing else matches opt_stmts, which will be when lookahead is end.

Designing a predictive parser

Syntax-directed translation scheme -> predictive parser:
  1. Construct a predictive parser, ignoring the semantic actions.
  2. Insert the semantic actions.
Requires: No FIRST-conflicts!


Left-recursive grammar:
expr -> expr + term
Implementation of a predictive, recursive-descent parser:
void expr() {
  if (lookahead == num or lookahead == id)
Eliminate left recursion! Rewrite this left-recursive production:
A -> A x | y
into these, which are not left-recursive:
A -> y R
R -> x R | empty
Example: rewrite this left-recursive production:
expr -> expr + term | term
into these, which are not left-recursive:
expr -> term rest
rest -> + term rest | empty
x = + term
y = term
R = rest

2.5 A translator for simple expressions

Ex: 2, 2+3, 2-3, 2-3+4+5-6

ASU Fig 2.13/2.19 translations scheme for the program in 2.5:

expr -> expr + term { print('+') }
expr -> expr - term { print('-') }
expr -> term
term -> 0 { print('0') }
term -> 1 { print('1') }
term -> 2 { print('2') }
term -> 9 { print('9') }
Remember that term -> term + term was ambiguous (Sw: tvetydig), so we transformed the grammar.
We also saw how to handle operator associativity and precedence.

Rewrite the grammar to eliminate left recursion.
Important: Handle the semantic actions as part of the grammar, when you rewrite it using the left-recursion elimination technique from above, to get the prints done at the right places!

expr -> term rest
rest -> + term { print('+') } rest
rest -> - term { print('-') } rest
rest -> empty
term -> 0 { print('0') }
term -> 1 { print('1') }
term -> 2 { print('2') }
term -> 9 { print('9') }
The interesting parts of the program:
void term () {
  if (isdigit(lookahead)) {

void rest() {
  if (lookahead == '+') {
    match('+'); term(); putchar('+'); rest();
  else if (lookahead == '-') {
    match('-'); term(); putchar('-'); rest();

void expr() {
  term(); rest();
Full source code: 2.5

Optimizing the translator

Skip this section. Tail recursion will be eliminated automatically by a good, modern C compiler.

2.6 Lexical analysis

Skip. Just know that lexan() gets the next token, returns a token type (NUM, DIV etc), and a token value (in the variable tokenval).

Source code: lexer.c

2.7 Incorporating a symbol table

Skip. Just know two functions: insert() and lookup().

Source code: symbol.c

2.8 Abstract stack machines

Skip. Just remember:

2.9 Putting the techniques together

Source code: 2.9

Thomas Padron-McCarthy (Thomas.Padron-McCarthy@tech.oru.se) February 2, 2003