KOI: Lab assignments

Also, for the grade 4: Also, for the grade 5:

Do the assignments at your own pace, but you are expected to finish them before the end of the course.

The assignments can be done under any operating system that has compilers for C and C++, and version of Yacc/Bison and Lex/Flex. The instructions here are for Linux, and they are easiest to do using Linux, macOS or some other Unix-derived OS, but in previous years we have also used Windows, and there are some very old Windows-specific lab instructions.

About sources and collaboration:
  • Each group (which normally consists of one or two students) must make its own solution to each assignment, and submit or present it, but it is not forbidden to collaborate or ask other students for help. However, in that case you must clearly state who you have collaborated with. Each solution must include the name of everyone who contributed to the work, Collaboration is thus perfectly fine, but must be clearly stated.
  • All sources used in the solution of the assignment must be stated.

Thomas Padron-McCarthy (thomas.padron-mccarthy@oru.se) August 37, 2024