KOI: Course content and plan for the lectures

"ALSU-07" is the textbook by Aho, Lam, Sethi and Ullman (the "purple dragon book" from 2007). The book's web site: dragonbook.stanford.edu
"ASU-86" is the older edition of the same book, by Aho, Sethi and Ullman (the "red dragon book" from 1986)
"KP" is Kjell Post's book with slides

This page, and other pages on the course web, contain some references to texts and other resources about compiler technology, but the content of the course consists of:

  1. The sections from ALSU-07 that are written below
  2. The summary Grammatiker för datorspråk (also available in English: Grammars for computer languages)
  3. The summary Grammatiktransformationer (also available in English: Grammar Transformations)
  4. The summary The Very Basics of Garbage Collection (only in English)
  5. Lab assignments
The slides by Kjell Post are not part of the course content, but are provided for assistance.

Plan for the lectures

When lectures are given live, some adjustments may occur.
  1. Kompilatorer - vad, hur och varför?
  2. Syntax och grammatiker
  3. Syntaktisk analys ("parsning"). En mycket enkel kompilator.
  4. Mer om syntaktisk analys. Bottom-up parsing. Parser-generatorer.
  5. Yacc.
  6. Lexikalisk analys ("scanning"). Lex. Reguljära uttryck.
  7. Syntax-styrd översättning. Att bygga syntax-träd.
  8. Run-time-omgivningar
  9. Att exekvera syntaxträdet. Stackmaskiner.
  10. Typsystem och typkontroll
  11. Intermediärkod och optimering
  12. Kodgenerering
  13. Inte en föreläsning: Några övningsuppgifter som repetition

Thomas Padron-McCarthy (Thomas.Padron-McCarthy@oru.se), October 15, 2021