Maskinoberoende optimering. Intermediärkod. Treadresskod.

Kursen Kompilatorer och interpretatorer | Föreläsningar: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Det här är ungefär vad jag tänker säga på föreläsningen. Använd det för förberedelser, repetition och ledning. Det är inte en definition av kursinnehållet, och det ersätter inte kursboken.

Idag: Maskinoberoende optimering. Intermediärkod. Treadresskod.

(Det här hinner vi nog inte med på bara en föreläsning.)

Kodoptimering ("Code Optimization")

Optimering: ett program eller programavsnitt skrivs om så det blir mindre och snabbare (antingen en av dessa eller båda). Exempel: Byt ut 1 * x mot x eller 2 * x + 1 * x mot 3 * x.

Man menar egentligen inte "optimalt" (bästa möjliga), utan bara "bättre".

Det heter "optimization" på engelska, och "optimering" på svenska. Inte "optimisering"!

Normalt är det optimeringsfasen (-faserna) i kompilatorn som gör optimeringen, men det finns också "handoptimering", där programmeraren själv ändrar programmet. Ett exempel: i = i * 2 kan ändras till i = i << 2. Bitskiftning är en enklare operation än multiplikation, och kan på en del processorer vara snabbare.

Ett annat exempel:

    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Ekvivalent med:
    i = 0;
    while (i < n) {
Kan "optimeras" till att stega fram en pekare, och använda den som loopvariabel:
    p = &a[0];
    p_after = &a[n];
    while (p != p_after) {
Men moderna kompilatorer kan sånt här! Det blir förmodligen inte snabbare, kanske till och med långsammare, och koden blir svårläst och skör. Görs bättre av den automatiska optimeraren i kompilatorn!

Two rules about optimization by hand:

  1. Don't do it. (Usually not needed. If it is needed, leave it to the compiler.)
  2. Only for experts: Don't do it yet. ("90/10 rule". Profile first!)

Types of optimization:

  1. Algorithms and data structures. (Ex: Change sorting algorithm, or replace a linked list with a hash table.) Best gains (from years to seconds)! Hard for the compiler, so the programmer must do it. But: SQL!
  2. "Low-level" optimzation. (As above.) Better done by the compiler! (Usually. Sometimes low-level hand optimization by the programmer is both effective and required.)
  3. Machine-dependent optimizations. (Register allocation, instruction choice, as in ALSU-07 chapter 8. Instruction reordering to improve pipe-lining, etc.)

Machine-dependent optimization is sometimes done using Peep-hole optimization (ALSU-07 8.7, ASU-86 9.9): Simple transformations of the generated assembly (or machine) code. Ex:

MOV R0, a
MOV a, R0
can be changed to
MOV R0, a
But today: Automatic machine-independent optimization, on intermediate code (which is three-address code).

Mellankodsgenerering ("Intermediate-Code Generation")

(ALSU-07 kapitel 6, ASU-86 kapitel 8)

"Intermediate code" på engelsa. "Mellankod" eller ibland "intermediärkod" på svenska.

Why generate intermediate code? Why not do everything "in the Yacc grammar"? Some reasons:

Olika sorters mellankod

(ASU-86 avsnitt 8.1, ALSU-07 avsnitt 6.1-6.2)

Some ways to represent the program:

Graphical representations: Trees (or DAGs)

As before. Just note two things more:

Men: Postfixkod är svårjobbat om man ska optimera.
Exempel på infixkod: 1*(a+2)*b
I ett syntaxträd är det ganska enkelt att hitta, och optimera bort, multiplikationen med 1. (Görs i del B i labb 7.)
Postfixkoden: 1 a 2 + * b *
Svårt att hitta multiplikationen med 1 i postfixkoden! Svårt att ta bort den!

Treadresskod ("Three-Address Code")

(ASU-86 avsnitt 8.2, ALSU-07 avsnitt 6.2)

Example: x + y * z

temp1 = y * z
temp2 = x + temp2

Treadresskod har (högst) tre adresser i varje instruktion:
var1 = var2 operation var3


Treadresskod har högst tre adresser i varje instruktion. Fler typer:
var1 = operation var2
goto addr1
if var1 <= var2 goto addr3

Idea: Each internal node corresponds to a temp-variable!

Example: a = b * -c + b * -c (The tree in ASU-86 fig. 8.4a)

temp1 = - c
temp2 = b * temp1
temp3 = - c
temp4 = b * temp1
temp5 = temp2 + temp3
a = temp5

Types of three-address statements

  1. Assignment: x = y op z (Ex: temp5 = a + temp4)
  2. Assignment: x = op y (Ex: temp3 = - temp4)
  3. Copy: x = y (Ex: a = temp3)
  4. Jump: goto L
  5. Conditional jump: if x relop y goto L (Ex: if (temp7 < temp2) goto L7)
  6. Procedure call: call p, n
  7. Parameter for procedure call: param x
  8. Return from procedure call: return y. Ex:
    param temp4
    param a
    param b
    call f, 3
  9. Indexed assignment: x = y[z] (ex: temp5 [ temp4 ] = temp9)
  10. Indexed assignment: x[y] = z
  11. Pointer and address operations: x = &y
  12. x = *y
  13. *x = y

Syntax-directed translation into three-address code

(ALSU-07 avsnitt 6.4 och 6.6, ASU-86 avsnitt 8.3-8.5)

Synthesized attributes:
E.addr = the name of the temporary variable (kallades place i ASU-86)
E.code = the sequence of three-address statements that calculates the value (or they could be written to a file instead of stored in the attribute)

Production Semantic rule
Start -> id = Expr Start.code = Expr.code + [ id.addr ":=" Expr.addr ]
Expr -> Expr1 + Expr2 Expr.addr = make_new_temp();
Expr.code = Expr1.code + Expr2.code + [ Expr.addr = Expr1.addr "+" Expr2.addr; ]
Expr -> Expr1 * Expr2 Expr.addr = make_new_temp();
Expr.code = Expr1.code + Expr2.code + [ Expr.addr = Expr1.addr "*" Expr2.addr; ]
Expr -> - Expr1 Expr.addr = make_new_temp();
Expr.code = Expr1.code + [ Expr.addr = "-" Expr1.addr; ]
Expr -> ( Expr1 ) Expr.addr = Expr1.addr; // No new temp!
Expr.code = Expr1.code;
Expr -> id Expr.addr = id.addr; // No temp!
Expr.code = ' '; // No code!

(Se tabellen i ALSU-07 fig. 6.19, eller i ASU-86 fig. 8.15.)

While statement (very similar to generating stack machine code, see föreläsning 9):

Production Semantic rule
Stmt -> while ( Expr ) Stmt1 Stmt.before = make_new_label();
Stmt.after = make_new_label();
Stmt.code = [ "label" Stmt.before ] + Expr.code +
[ "if" Expr.addr "==" "0" "goto" Stmt.after; ] +
Stmt1.code +
[ "goto" Stmt.before ] + [ "label" Stmt.after ];

(Se tabellen i ALSU-07 fig. 6.36, eller i ASU-86 fig. 8.23.)


A way to represent three-address code.

Op Arg1 Arg2 result
0 uminus c temp1
1 * b temp1 temp2
2 uminus c temp3
3 * b temp3 temp4
4 + temp2 temp4 temp5
5 := temp5 a

Skip: Also "triples" (but they are hard to optimize) and "indirect triples" (as easy to optimize as quadruples, but more complicated).

Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs

(ALSU-07 avsnitt 8.4, ASU-86 avsnitt 9.4)

"Basic blocks" används för optimering.

Ett par termer:

Från KP sidan 119:

Basic blocks

Fler termer:

Transformationer på basic blocks (kort, mer sen i exemplet):

Ännu fler termer:


En quicksort-funktion (ALSU-07 fig. 9.1, eller ASU-86 fig 10.2):
/* recursively sorts the array a, from a[m] to a[n] */
void quicksort(int m, int n) {
  int i, j;
  int v, x;
  if (n <= m)
  i = m - 1; j = n; v = a[n];
  while (1) {
      i = i + 1;
    while (a[i] < v);
      j = j - 1;
    while (a[j] > v);
    if (i >= j)
    x = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = x; /* swap */
  x = a[i]; a[i] = a[n]; a[n] = x; /* swap */
  quicksort(m, j);
  quicksort(i + 1, n);
Some optimizations are not possible on the source level.
Example in Pascal: a[i]
Three-address code: t1 = 4*i; t2 = a[t1];
A Pascal compiler (and a C programmer!) can replace some of the 4*i calculations.

Treadresskod för den fetmarkerade delen av quicksort-funktionen (ALSU fig. 9.2 eller ASU-86 fig. 10.4):

  (1) i = m - 1                        (16) t7 = 4 * i
  (2) j = n                            (17) t8 = 4 * j
  (3) t1 = 4 * n                       (18) t9 = a[t8]
  (4) v = a[t1]                        (19) a[t7] = t9
  (5) i = i + 1                        (20) t10 = 4 * j
  (6) t2 = 4 * i                       (21) a[t10] = x
  (7) t3 = a[t2]                       (22) goto (5)
  (8) if t3 < v goto (5)               (23) t11= 4 * i
  (9) j = j - 1                        (24) x = a[t11]
 (10) t4 = 4 * j                       (25) t12 = 4 * i
 (11) t5 = a[t4]                       (26) t13 = 4 * n
 (12) if t5 > v goto (9)               (27) t14 = a[t13]
 (13) if i >= j goto (23)              (28) a[t12] = t14
 (14) t6 = 4 * i                       (29) t15 = 4 * n
 (15) x = a[t6]                        (30) a[t15] = x

Steps for the optimizer:

  1. Control flow analysis: basic blocks
  2. Data flow analysis.
  3. Transformations.

Basic blocks och flödesgraf för quicksort-funktionen (ALSU-07 fig. 9.3 eller ASU-86 fig. 10.5):

Six basic blocks in a flow graph

Three loops:

The principal sources of optimization

(ALSU-07 avsnitt 9.1, ASU-86 avsnitt 10.2)

"Some of the most useful code-improving transformations".
Local transformation = inside a single basic block
Global transformation = several blocks (but inside a single procedure)

Semantics-Preserving Transformations

(ALSU-07 avsnitt 9-1, ASU-86 avsnitt 10.1 och 10.2)

Removing local common subexpressions (ALSU-07 sid. 588)

From ALSU-07 fig. 9.4 (ASU-86 fig. 10.6), eliminating common subexpressions inside a basic block:

t6 := 4*i
x := a[t6]
t7 := 4*i
t8 := 4*j
t9 := a[t8]
a[t7] := t9
t10 := 4*j
a[t10] := x
goto B2
can be changed to B5
t6 := 4*i
x := a[t6]
t8 := 4*j
t9 := a[t8]
a[t6] := t9
a[t8] := x
goto B2

(Remove repeat calculations, use t6 instead of t7, t8 instead of t10.)

Removing non-local common subexpressions (ALSU-07 9.1.4)

Globally, an expression E is a common subexpression if E was previously computed, and the values of the variables in E haven't changed since then.

From ALSU-07 fig 9.4, 9.5:
(We can remove 4*i, 4*j, and 4*n completely from B6!)
Remove 4*i and 4*j completely from B5!

t6 := 4*i
x := a[t6]
t8 := 4*j
t9 := a[t8]
a[t6] := t9
a[t8] := x
goto B2
can be changed to B5
x := a[t2]
t9 := a[t4]
a[t2] := t9
a[t4] := x
goto B2

x := a[t2]
t9 := a[t4]
a[t2] := t9
a[t4] := x
goto B2
can then be changed to B5
x := t3
t9 := a[t4]
a[t2] := t9
a[t4] := x
goto B2

Note: a hasn't changed, so a[t4] still in t5 from B3

x := t3
t9 := a[t4]
a[t2] := t9
a[t4] := x
goto B2
can then be changed to B5
x := t3
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := x
goto B2

Blocken B5 och B6 efter att vi eleminerat både lokala och globala gemensamma deluttryck (ALSU-07 fig. 9.5 eller ASU-86 fig. 10.7):

Basic blocks B5 and B6 have shrunk

Copy propagation (ALSU-07 9.1.5)

Instead of:
copy = original; ... copy ...;
Always try to use:
copy = original; ... original ...;
(We may be able to eliminate the variable copy altogether!)

x := t3
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := x
goto B2
can be changed to B5
x := t3
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := t3
goto B2

Elimination of dead code (ALSU-07 9.1.6)

Dead variables will never be used again.
Dead code (or useless code) computes values that will never be used.
Dead code can also mean code that can never be reached:
debug = 0; ... if (debug) printf(...);

x := t3
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := t3
goto B2
but x is dead, so: B5
a[t2] := t5
a[t4] := t3
goto B2

Loop optimizations (ALSU-07 91.7-91.8)

Examples of code motion

(Shown here as C code, but could be done by the compiler on three-address code.)
while (i < limit - 2)
    a[i++] = x + y;
The expressions limit - 2 and x + y are loop-invariant.
t1 = limit - 2;
t2 = x + y;
while (i < t1)
  a[i++] = t2;
The next example is harder for the compiler, since strlen is just another function. (Or is it?)
for (i = 0; i < strlen(s1); ++i)
  s2[i] = s1[i];
n = strlen(s1);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
  s2[i] = s1[i];

Example of elimination of induction variables

i = 0;
j = 1;
while (a1[i] != 0) {
  a2[j] = a1[i];
Both i and j are induction variables ("loop counters").
i = 0;
while (a1[i] != 0) {
  a2[i + 1] = a1[i];

Example of both induction-variable elimination and reduction in strength

Blocket B3 (som utgör en inre loop), har j och t4, som hela tiden stegas tillsammans så att t4 == 4 * j. Bibehåll det sambandet!

j := j-1
t4 := 4*j
t5 := a[t4]
if t5 > v goto B3
blir B3
j := j-1
t4 := t4-4
t5 := a[t4]
if t5 > v goto B3

Men det där är fel, för nu får t4 inget startvärde. Men det kan vi fixa genom att peta in t4 = 4*j i block B1, som körs en enda gång (inte i B2, som körs en massa massa gånger):

ALSU-07 fig. 9.9 (ASU-86 fig 10.9):

t4 - 4 instead of 4 * j

Then a similar strength reduction of 4 * i in basic block B2.
We know that t2 == 4 * i. Maintain this relationship!

Then, i and j are used only in the test int B4.
The test i >= j can be changed to 4 * t2 >= 4 * t4 (which is equivalent to t2 >= t4).
i and j become dead!

Flödesgrafen efter att vi eliminerat induktionsvariablerna i och j (ASU-86 fig 10.10 eller ALSU-07 fig. 9.9):

After eliminating i and j

Exempel på en annan loop-optimering: Loop unrolling (ALSU-07 sid. 735)

(Shown here as C code, but could be done by the compiler on three-address code.)

for (i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
    a[i][j] = i + 2 * j;
may be transformed by unrolling the inner loop:
for (i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
    a[i][0] = i;
    a[i][1] = i + 2;
or by unrolling the outer loop too:
    a[0][0] = 0;
    a[0][1] = 2;
    a[1][0] = 1;
    a[1][1] = 3;
    a[2][0] = 2;
    a[2][1] = 4;
    a[19][0] = 19;
    a[19][1] = 21;
Man behöver inte rulla ut alla varven, utan man kan rulla ut bara en del av dem.

Varning: cachen! En för stor loop kanske inte får plats i processorns instruktionscache.

Exempel på en annan viktig optimering: Eliminering av svans-rekursion

Beskrivs på källkodsnivå på sid 73 i ALSU-07 avsnitt 2.5.4, men görs automatiskt av moderna kompilatorer, till exempel gcc med optimeringsflaggan -O2.

Exempel 1, rekursion.c:

#include <stdio.h>

int f(int n) {
    if (n <= 0)
        return 1;
        return n + f(n - 1);

int main(void) {
    int result = f(1000000);
    printf("Resultat: %d\n", result);


> gcc rekursion.c -o rekursion
> ./rekursion 
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> gcc -Wall -Wextra rekursion.c -o rekursion
> ./rekursion 
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> gcc -Wall -Wextra -O1 rekursion.c -o rekursion
> ./rekursion 
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 rekursion.c -o rekursion
> ./rekursion 
Resultat: 1784293665

Exempel 2:

void f(struct Node *p) {
    if (p == NULL)
void f(struct Node *p) {
    while (p == NULL) {
        p = p->next;



Symbolic debugging of optimized code

(Verkar inte stå i boken. Läs bara översiktligt, och förstå (a) varför man vill ha det, och (b) varför det ibland är krångligt.)

int a;
void f(string a) {
  while (1) {
    int a;
    ...        <-- In the debugger: print a
What is needed, for symbolic debugging in general? Why debug optimized code? Why not debug unoptimized code, and only turn on the debugger when the program finally works?

A program may work when unoptimized, but not when optimized. For example, the C standard specifies undefined behaviour in certain cases. such as:

char s[10];
s[14] = 'x';
The behaviour depends entirely on what happens to be stored at the memory location 5 bytes after the end of s: unused padding, a variable, or the return address in an activation record? This can be different with or without optimization, since optimization, for example, can eliminate variables.

An example program:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int plus(int x, int y) {
    int a[2];
    int s;
    s = x - y;
    a[x] = x + y;
    return s;

int main(void) {
    int resultat;
    resultat = plus(-1, -2);
    printf("resultat = %d\n", resultat);
    return 0;

Running it without optimization, and then with optimization (the "-O" flag):

linux> gcc -Wall plus.c -o plus
plus.c: In function 'plus':
plus.c:5:9: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
     int a[2];
linux> ./plus
resultat = -3
linux> gcc -O -Wall plus.c -o plus
plus.c: In function 'plus':
plus.c:5:9: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
     int a[2];
linux> ./plus
resultat = 1
Excercise for the reader: What happened? Can you deduce something about how the compiler laid out the variables in the activation record for the function "plus"?

Trying to debug:

linux> gcc -g -O -Wall plus.c -o plus
plus.c: In function 'plus':
plus.c:5:9: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
     int a[2];
linux> ./plus
resultat = 1
linux> gdb plus

Some output from GDB removed

(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400562: file plus.c, line 12.
(gdb) run 
Starting program: /home/padrone/tmp/14okt/plus 

Breakpoint 1, main () at plus.c:12
12      int main(void) {
(gdb) step
15          printf("resultat = %d\n", resultat);
(gdb) print resultat
$1 = <optimized out>

Deducing values of variables in basic blocks

When the user wants the debugger to show the current value of a: Other problems: A solution (not on the exam):
Let the compiler generate enough information for the debugger to deduce ("find out") the value of a variable. (Doesn't work always.)

ASU-86 fig 10.68. Assume that the source, intermediate and target representation are the same.

Source and optimized code

ASU-86 fig 10.69. A DAG for the variables. The DAG shows how values depend on each other. Then, annotate it with life-time information.

Annotated DAG

Example 1 (just the unoptimized program):
c = a + b after step 1. (Life time: 2-3)
c = c - e after step 3. (Life time: 4-infinity)

Example 2 (the optimized program):
c = a after step 5'. (Life time: 6'-infinty)
c is undefined in 1'-5'! (But can be calculated, differently depending on when!)

Example 3:
An overflow occurs in the optimized code, in statement 2', t = b * e.
The first source statement that uses the node b * e is 5.
Therefore, tell the user the program crashed in source statement 5!

Then the user says:

print b -> show b (lifetime 1-5 and 1'-4')
Explanation: b still has its initial value, both at 2' and at 5.

print c -> can't show actual stored c (lifetime 6-infinity)
Instead, find the DAG node for c at time 5 (-).
(Optimized) a will contain this value after 4', but not yet!
Consider the children: d contains the value from the + node at 2'-infinity. e contains the value from the E0 node at 1'-infinity. So use d - e!

ALSU-07 kapitel 12: Interprocedural Analysis

Det räcker med att känna till grunderna:

Kursen Kompilatorer och interpretatorer | Föreläsningar: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Thomas Padron-McCarthy ( 5 december 2019