import callin.*; /** Demo program illustrating an Amos II client application @author Tore Risch @version 1.0 (Last modified January 5, 2014) */ /*************************************************************************** * NOTICE: * * To run this program you have to: * * 1. start amos2 server named 'wc' holding the 'world cup' * * database: * * Windows: * * start ..\bin\amos2 -O tutorial.amosql -n wc * * Unix: * * ../bin/amos2 -O tutorial.amosql -n wc& * * 2. Include path to folder with Amos binaries in system variable: * * Windows: * * PATH * * Linux: * * LD_LIBRARY_PATH * * OSX * * DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH * * 3. Compile the program with the command: * * javac -cp "../bin/javaamos.jar" * * 4. Run the compiled program with the command: * * Windows: * * java -d32 -cp ".;../bin/javaamos.jar" ClientDemo * * Unix: * * java -d32 -cp ".:../bin/javaamos.jar" ClientDemo * **************************************************************************/ public class ClientDemo { public static void main(String argv[]) throws AmosException { /*************************************/ /*** Interface object declarations ***/ /*************************************/ Connection c; /* To hold a connection to an Amos server */ Scan s; /* To hold the result stream from an AmosQL query or function call */ Tuple row; /* To hold a row retrieved from database */ Oid fn; /* To hold an object identifying a function */ Tuple argl; /* To hold a function argument list */ String query; /****************************************/ /*** Initialize and connect to server ***/ /****************************************/ /* Initialize Amos client interface: */ Connection.initializeClient(); /* Connect to the Amos database server named 'wc': */ c = new Connection("wc"); System.out.println("Connection to Amos server 'wc' OK"); /*****************************************/ /*** Execute query and scan the result ***/ /*****************************************/ query = "select name(host(t)), year(t) from Tournament t "+ "where year(t) < 1940;"; System.out.println("Executing query:\n "+query); s = c.execute(query); /* s is a 'scan' holding the result of the query */ while (!s.eos()) /* While there are more rows in scan */ { String host; int year; row = s.getRow(); /* Get current row in scan */ host = row.getStringElem(0); /* Get 1st arg in row as string */ year = row.getIntElem(1); /* Get 2nd arg in row as integer */ System.out.println("Host of year "+year+":"+host); s.nextRow(); /* Advance scan forward */ } s.closeScan(); /* Close the scan */ /* The call to closeScan() is actually not needed here since the scan is automatically closed by Java's garbage collector. The scans are also automatically closed when they are re-used. It is, however, good to close scans as soon as possible to release resources. */ /*****************************************/ /*** Call function and scan the result ***/ /*****************************************/ System.out.println("Calling function host_name(1930):"); /* Get the object identifying the function 'host_name': */ fn = c.getFunction("host_name"); /* The single function argument is the integer 1930: */ argl = new Tuple(); argl.setArity(1); argl.setElem(0,1930); s = c.callFunction(fn, argl); /* Call the function */ /* Scan the result: */ while(!s.eos()) { String host; row = s.getRow(); host = row.getStringElem(0); System.out.println("Host of year 1930: "+host); s.nextRow(); } s.closeScan(); } }