Amos II Release 17 User's Manual

  1. Getting started
  2. AmosQL
    2.1 Basic constructs
    2.1.1 Syntactic conventions
    2.1.2 Statements
    2.1.3 Indentifiers
    2.1.4 Variables
    2.1.5 Constants
    2.1.6 Expressions
    2.1.7 Collections
    2.2 Defining types
    2.2.1 Deleting types
    2.3 Creating Objects
    2.3.1 Deleting objects
    2.4 Queries
    2.4.1 Calling functions
    2.4.2 The select statement
    2.4.3 Predicates
    2.4.4 Grouped selections
    2.4.5 Ordered selections
    2.4.6 Top-k queries
    2.4.7 Aggregation and bags
    2.4.8 Quantifiers
    2.5 Vector queries
    2.5.1 Vector construction
    2.5.2 The vselect statement
    2.5.3 Accessing vector elements
    2.5.4 Vector functions
    2.6 Defining Functions
    2.6.1 Stored functions
    2.6.2 Derived functions
    2.6.3 Overloaded functions
    2.6.4 Casting
    2.6.5 Second order functions
    2.6.6 Transitive closures
    2.6.7 Iteration
    2.6.8 Abstract functions
    2.6.9 Deleting functions
    2.7 Updates
    2.7.1 Cardinality constraints
    2.7.2 Changing object types
    2.7.3 Dynamic updates
    2.8 Data mining primitives
    2.8.1 Numerical vector functions
    2.8.2 Vector aggregate functions
    2.8.3 Plotting numerical data
    2.9 Accessing data in files
    2.9.1 Reading vectors from a file
    2.10 Scans
  3. Procedural functions
    3.1 Iterating over results
    3.2 User update procedures
  4. The SQL processor
  5. Peer management
    5.1 Peer communication
    5.2 Peer queries and views
  6. Accessing external systems
    6.1 Foreign and multi-directional functions
    6.1.1 Cost estimates
    6.2 The relational database wrapper
    6.2.1 Connecting
    6.2.2 Accessing meta-data
    6.2.3 Executing SQL
    6.2.4 Object-oriented views of tables
    6.3 Defining new wrappers
    6.3.1 Data sources
    6.3.2 Mapped types
    6.3.3 Type translation
  7. System functions and commands
    7.1 Comparison operators
    7.2 Arithmetic functions
    7.3 String functions
    7.4 Aggregate functions
    7.4.1 Generalized aggregate functions
    7.5 Temporal functions
    7.6 Sorting functions
    7.7 Accessing system meta-data
    7.7.1 Type meta-data
    7.7.2 Function meta-data
    7.8 Searching source code
    7.9 Extents
    7.10 Query optimizer tuning
    7.11 Indexing
    7.12 Clustering
    7.13 Unloading
    7.14 Miscellaneous
  8. References

Amos II Release 17 User's Manual

Staffan Flodin, Martin Hansson, Vanja Josifovski, Timour Katchaounov, Tore Risch, Martin Sköld, and Erik Zeitler

Uppsala DataBase Laboratory
Department of Information Technology
Uppsala University

January 9,  2015


Amos II is an extensible NoSQL database system which allows different kinds of data sources to be integrated and queried. The system is centered around an object-oriented and functional query language, AmosQL, documented here. The system can store data in its internal main-memory object store. In AmosQL queries variables are bound to instances of objects of any kind, in contrast to SQL where variables in queries always have to be bound to rows in tables. Queries in terms function composition over sets of objects make AmosQL queries versatile.

Amos II includes primitives for data mining through queries and functions to group, aggregate, transform, and visualize data. Ordered collections are supported through the datatype Vector. Queries can produce ordered results as vectors.

Several distributed Amos II peers can collaborate in a federation. The documentation includes descriptions of basic peer communication primitives.

Amos II enables wrappers to be defined for different kinds of data sources and external storage managers accessed to make them queryable. A predefined wrapper for relational databases allows queries combining relational data with other kinds of data accessible through Amos II.

This manual describes how to use the Amos II system and the AmosQL query language. The principles of the Amos II system and AmosQL are described in the document [RJK03].


The following persons have contributed to the development of the Amos II Release 17 system:
Andrej Andrejev, Sobhan Badiozamany, Kristofer Cassel, Daniel Elin, Gustav Fahl, Staffan Flodin, Ruslan Fomkin, Jörn Gebhardt, Gyozo Gidofalvi, Martin Hansson, Milena Ivanova, Vanja Josifovski, Markus Jägerskogh, Jonas Karlsson, Timour Katchaounov,Khalid Mahmood, Salah-Eddine Machani, Lars Melander, Joakim Näs, Kjell Orsborn, Johan Petrini, Tore Risch, Manivasakan Sabesan, Martin Sköld, Silvia Stefanova, Thanh Truong, Christian Werner, Magnus Werner, Cheng Xu, Erik Zeitler, and Minpeng Zhu.

Organization of document

This document is organized as follows:

1 Getting started

Download the Amos II zip  from Unpack the zip file to a directory for Amos II, <privdir>. The following files are needed in <privdir>/bin;:
Amos II is ready to run in <privdir>/bin by the command:
amos2 [<db>]
where [<db>] is an optional name of an Amos II database image. 

You need not connect to any particular database, but instead, if <db> is omitted, the system enters an empty database (named amos2.dmp), where only the system objects are defined. The system looks for amos2.dmp in the same directory as where the executable amos2.exe is located.

The executable has a number of command line parameters to specify, e.g., the database or AmosQL script to load. To get a list of the command line parameters do:
  amos2 -h

The Amos toploop

When started, the system enters the Amos top loop where it reads AmosQL statements, executes them, and prints their results.  The prompter in the Amos II top loop is:

Amos n>
where n is a generation number. The generation number is increased every time an AmosQL statement that updates the database is executed in the Amos top loop.

Typically you start by defining  meta-data (a schema) as types and properties of types represented as functions. For example, the following statement create a type named Person having two property functions name() and income():

Amos 1> create type Person properties
(name Charstring,
income Number);
When the meta-data is defined you usually populate the database by creating objects and updating functions.

For example:
Amos 2> create Person(name, income) instances
("Eva", 280);

When the database is populated you can query it, e.g.:
Amos 3> select income(p) from Person p where name(p)="Ulla";

Usually you load AmosQL definitions from a script file rather than entering them on the command line, e.g.
Amos 1> < 'mycode.amosql';


Database changes can be undone by using the rollback statement with a generation number as argument. For example, the statement:

Amos 4> rollback 2;
will restore the database to the state it had at generation number 2. A rollback without arguments undoes all database changes of the current transaction.

The statement commit makes changes non-undoable, i.e. all updates so far cannot be rolled back any more and the generation numbering starts over from 1. 

For example: 

Amos 2> commit;
Amos 1> ...

Saving and quitting

When your Amos II database is defined and populated, it can be saved on disk with the AmosQL statement:

save "filename";

In a later session you can connect to the saved database by starting Amos II with:

amos2 filename

To shut down Amos II orderly first save the database and then type:

Amos 1> quit;

This is all you need to know to get started with Amos II.

The remaining chapters in this document describe the basic Amos II commands. As an example of how to define and populate an Amos II database, cut-and-paste the commands in There is a tutorial on object-oriented database design with Amos II in

Java interface

JavaAmos is a version of the Amos II kernel connected to the Java virtual machine (32 bits JVM). With it Java programs can call Amos II functions and send AmosQL statements to Amos II for evaluation (the callin interface) [ER00]. You can also define Amos II foreign functions in Java (the callout interface). To start JavaAmos use the script

instead of amos2. It will enter a top loop reading and evaluating AmosQL statements. JavaAmos requires the Java jar file javaamos.jar.

Back-end relational databases

Amos II includes a interface to relational databases using JDBC on top of JavaAmos. Any relational database can be accessed and queried in terms of AmosQL using this interface. The interface is described in the section Relational database wrapper.

Graphical database browser

The multi-database browser GOOVI [CR01] is a graphical browser for Amos II written as a Java application. You can start the GOOVI browser from the JavaAmos top loop by calling the Amos II function

It will start the browser in a separate thread.

PHP interface

Amos II includes an interface allowing programs in PHP to call Amos II servers. The interface is tested for Apache servers. To use Amos II with PHP or SQL under Windows you are recommended to download and install WAMP WAMP packages together a version of the Apache web server, the  PHP script language, and the MySQL database. Amos II  is tested with WAMP 2.0 (32 bits). See further the file readme.txt in subdirectory embeddings/PHP of the Amos II download.

C interface

The system is interfaced with the programming language C (and C++). As with Java, Amos II can be called from C (callin interface) and foreign Amos II functions can be implemented in C. See [Ris12].

Lisp interface

There is a built-in interpreter for a subset of the programming language CommonLisp in Amos II, aLisp [Ris06]. The system can be accessed and extended using aLisp.

2 AmosQL

In general the user may enter different kinds of AmosQL statements to the Amos top loop in order to instruct the system to do operations on the database:

  1. First the database schema is created by defining types with associated properties.
  2. Once the schema is defined the database can be populated by creating objects and their properties in terms of the database schema.
  3. Once the database is populated queries may be expressed to retrieve and analyze data from the database. Queries return collections of objects, which can be both unordered sets of objects or ordered sequences of objects.
  4. A populated database may be updated to change its contents.
  5. Procedural functions (stored procedures) may be defined, which are AmosQL programs having side effects that may modify the database.

This section is organized as follows:

2.1 Basic constructs

The basic building blocks of the AmosQL query language are described here.

2.1.1 Syntactic conventions

For the syntax we use BNF notation with the following special constructs:

A ::= B C: A consists of B followed by C. 
A ::= B | C, alternatively (B | C): A consists of B or C.
A ::= [B]: A consists of B or nothing.
A ::= B-list: A consists of one or more Bs.
A ::= B-commalist: A consists of one or more Bs separated by commas.
'xyz': The string (keyword) xyz.

2.1.2 Statements

Statements instruct Amos II to perform various kinds of operations on the database. AmosQL statements are always terminated by a semicolon (;). The following statements can be entered to the Amos II top loop:
        create-type-stmt |
        delete-object-stmt |
        delete-function-stmt |
        update-stmt |
        add-type-stmt |
        remove-type-stmt |
        for-each-stmt |
declare-interface-variable-stmt |
commit-stmt |
rollback-stmt |
        close-cursor-stmt |
quit-stmt |

2.1.3 Identifiers

Identifiers have the syntax:
identifier ::=
        ('_' | letter) [identifier-character-list] 
identifier-character ::=
        alphanumeric | '_'

E.g.: MySalary
Notice that Amos II identifiers are NOT case sensitive; i.e. they are always internally capitalized. By contrast Amos II reserved keywords are always written with lower case letters.

2.1.4 Variables

Variables are of two kinds: local variables or interface variables:

   variable ::= local variable | interface-variable

2.1.5 Constants

Constants can be integers, reals, strings, time stamps, booleans, or nil.
constant ::=
        integer-constant | real-constant | boolean-constant | 
        string-constant | time-stamp | functional-constant
| 'nil'

integer-constant ::= 
        ['-'] digit-list 

E.g. 123

real-constant ::=
decimal-constant | scientific-constant

decimal-constant ::=
        ['-'] digit-list '.' [digit-list]

scientific-constant ::=
decimal-constant ['e' | 'E'] integer-constant

E.g. 1.2

boolean-constant ::=
        'true' | 'false'

The constant false is equivalent to nil casted to type Boolean. The only legal boolean value that can be stored in the database is true and a boolean value is regarded as false if it is not in the database (close world assumption).

string-constant ::= 
        string-separator character-list string-separator

string-separator ::= 
        ''' | '"'

E.g. "A string"
'A string'
'A string with "'
"A string with \" and '"

The enclosing string separators (' or ") for a string constant must be the same. If the string separator is " then \ is the escape character inside the string, replacing the succeeding character. For example the string 'ab"\' can also be written as "ab\"\\", and the string a'"b must be written as "a'\"b".
simple-value ::= constant | variable

   E.g. :MyInterfaceVariable
        "Hello World"

A simple value is either a constant or a variable reference.

2.1.6 Expressions

Expressions are formulas expressed with the AmosQL syntax that can be evaluated by the system to produce a value. Complex expressions can be built up in terms of other expression. Expressions are basic building blocks in all kinds of AmosQL statements.

expr ::=  simple-value | function-call | collection-constr | casting | vector-indexing | '(' query ')'
    E.g. 1.23
         1<2 and 1>3
         sqrt(:a) + 3 * :b
         cast(:p as Student)

                      sum(select income(p) from Person p)+10

The value of an expression is computed if the expression is entered to the Amos top loop, e.g.:

    => 13.2474487139159

Notice that Boolean expressions, predicates, either return true, or nothing if the expression is not true. For example:
   1<2 or 3<2;
    => TRUE
   1<2 and 3<2;
    => nothing

Entering simple expressions followed by a semicolon is the simplest form of AmosQL queries, e.g.:

2.1.7 Collections

Collections represent sets of objects. Amos II supports three kinds of collections: bags, vectors, and key-value associations (records):
Collections are constructed by collection constructor expressions. Syntax:

collection-constr ::= bag-constr | vector-constr | record-constr

bag-constr ::= bag(expr-commalist)
  E.g.: bag(1,2,3)

vector-constr ::= '{' expr-comma-list '}'
  E.g.: {1,2,3}

record-constr ::= '{' key-value-comma-list '}'
key-value ::= string-constant ':' expr
  E.g.: {"id":1,"name":"Kalle","age":32}


The most common collection is bags, which are unordered sets of objects with duplicates allowed. The value of a query is usually a bag. When a query to the Amos II toploop returns a bag as result the elements of the bag are printed on separate lines. For example:

Amos 2> select name(p) from Person p;

returns the bag:


Bags can be explicitly created using the bag-constr syntax, for example:

A variable can be assigned to a bag returned by some function by using the assignment statement. For example:
  set :h = hobbies(:sam);
will assign :h to a bag of Sam's hobbies is the function hobbies() returns a bag of objects. The elements can be extracted with in:



Vectors are sequences of objects of any kind. Curly brackets {} enclose vector elements, for example:
   set :v={1,2,3};


Vector element vi can be access with the notation v[i], where the indexing i is from 0 and up. For example:
   set :v={1,2,3};


Records  represent dynamic associations between keys and values.  A record is a dynamic and associative array. Other commonly used terms for associative arrays are property lists, key-value pairs, dictionaries, or hash links. Amos II uses JSON notation to construct records. For example the following expression assigns :r to a record where the key (property) 'Greeting' field has the value 'Hello, I am Tore' and the key 'Email' has the value '':

set :r= {'Greeting':'Hello, I am Tore','Email':''}
A field f of a record bound to a variable r can be access with the notation r[f], for example:
   'Hello, I am Tore'


A comment can be placed anywhere in an AmosQL statement outside identifiers,constants, and variables. 
comment ::= '/*' character-list '*/'

2.2 Defining types

The create type statement creates a new type stored in the database. Type and function definitions constitute the database schema.


create-type-stmt ::=
        'create type' type-name ['under' type-name-commalist]
                ['properties' '(' attr-function-commalist ')']

type-spec ::= type-name | 'Bag of' type-spec | 'Vector of' type-spec

type-name ::= identifier

attr-function ::= generic-function-name type-spec ['key']
Type names must be unique in the database.

Type names are not case sensitive and the type names are always internally upper-cased. For clarity all type names used in examples in this manual always have the first letter capitalized.

The attr-function-commalist clause is optional, and provides a way to define properties of the new type, for example:
create type Person properties
   (name Charstring,
    income Number,
    age Number,
    parents Bag of Person);
Each property is a function having a single argument and a single result. The argument type of a property function is the type being created and the result type is specified by the type-spec. The result type must be previously defined. In the above example the function name() has  argument type Person and result type Charstring, i.e. signatures name(Person)->Charstring and income(Person)->Number, respectively.

The new type will be a subtype of all the supertypes in the under clause. For example, in the following definition Student subtype of Person and Person is supertype of Student:
   create type Student under Person;

If no supertypes are specified the new type becomes a subtype of the system type named Userobject.

If key is specified for a property, it indicates that each value of the attribute is unique and the system will raise an error if this uniqueness is violated. In the following example, two objects of type Employee cannot have the same value of property emp_no:
   create type Employee under Person properties
   (emp_no Number key);

Multiple inheritance is defined by specifying more than one supertype, for example:

   create type TA under Student, Employee;

2.2.1 Deleting types

he delete type statement deletes a type and all its subtypes. 


delete-type-stmt ::= 'delete type' type-name

E.g. delete type Employee;
If the deleted type has subtypes they will be deleted as well. Functions using the deleted types will be deleted as well, in this case emp_no().

2.3 Creating objects

The create-object statement populates the database by creating objects and as instance(s) of a given type and all its supertypes.


create-object-stmt ::=
        'create' type-name
        ['(' generic-function-name-commalist ')'] 'instances' initializer-commalist       

initializer ::= variable |
        [variable] '(' expr-commalist ')'
The new objects are assigned initial values for specified attributes (properties). For example:
    create Person(name, income, age) instances
The attributes can be any updatable AmosQL function having the created type as its only argument, here name() and age(). One object will be created for each initializer. Each initializer includes a comma-separated list of initial values for the specified attribute functions. Initial values are specified as expressions, for example:
   create Person (name,income) instances
          ("Kalle "+"Persson" , 3345*1.5);
The types of the initial values must match the declared result types of the corresponding functions.

Each initializer can have an optional variable name which will be bound to the new object. The variable name can subsequently be used as a reference to the object. For example:
    create Person(name, income) instances
    :pelle ("Per",3836);

Then the query

Notice that interface variables such as :pelle are temporary and not saved in the database.

Bag valued functions are initialized using the syntax 'bag(e1,...)' (syntax bag-expr),
for example:

create Person (name,parents,income,age) instances
     :adam   ("Adam",nil,2300,64),
     :eve    ("Eve",nil,3200,63),
     :cain   ("Cain",bag(:adam,:eve),1500,44),
     :seth   ("Seth",bag(:adam,:eve),1700,42),
     :lilith ("Lilith",bag(:adam,:eve),4500,40),
     :noah   ("Noah",bag(:seth,:lilith),5300,25),
     :ruth   ("Ruth",:cain,500,24),
     :ham    ("Ham",bag(:noah,:ruth),3800,16),

It is possible to specify nil for a value when no initialization is desired for the corresponding function.

2.3.1 Deleting objects

Objects are deleted from the database with the delete statement.


delete-object-stmt ::= 'delete' variable
For example:
delete :pelle;
The system will automatically remove the deleted object from all stored functions where it is referenced. 

Deleted objects are printed as

#[OID nnn *DELETED*]
The objects may be undeleted by rollback;. The automatic garbage collector physically removes an OID from the database only if its creation has been rolled back or its deletion committed, and it is not referenced from some variable or external system.

2.4 Queries

Queries retrieve objects having specified properties from the database. A query can be one of the following:
  1. It can be calls to built-in or user defined function.
  2. It can be a select statement to search the database for a set of objects having properties fulfilling a query condition specified as a logical predicate.
  3. If can be a vector selection statements (vselect-statement) to construct an ordered sequence (vector) of objects fulfilling the query condition. 
  4. It can be an expression.
The syntax for a query is thus:

query ::= function-call |
          select-stmt |
          vselect-stmt |

2.4.1 Calling functions

A simple form of queries are calls to functions. Syntax:
function-call ::=
        function-name '(' [parameter-value-commalist] ')' |
expr infix-operator expr |

infix-operator ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '=' | '!=' | 'in'

parameter-value ::= expr |
'(' select-stmt ')' |

tuple-expr ::= '(' expr-commalist ')'

E.g. sqrt(2.1);
1+2 < 3+4;
 "a" + 1; 
The built-in functions plus(), minus(), times(), and div()  have infix syntax +,-,*,/ with the usual priorities. 
For example:
 (income(:eve) + income(:ham)) * 0.5;
is equivalent to:
The '+' operator is defined for both numbers and strings. For strings it implements string concatenation.

The result of a function call can be saved temporarily in an interface variable, for example:

    set :inca = income(:adam);
then the query :inca; returns 2300.

Also bags valued function calls can be saved in variables, for example:

    set :pb = parents(:cain);

In this case the value of :pb is a bag. To get the elements of the bag, use the in function. For example:

Tuple expressions can be used to assign the result of functions returning tuples, for example:

    set (:m,:f)=parents2(:cain);
In a function call, the types of the actual parameters and results must be the same as, or subtypes of, the types of the corresponding formal parameters or results.

2.4.2 The select statement

The select statement provides the most flexible way to specify queries.


select-stmt ::=
        'select' ['distinct']
select-clause ::= expr-commalist
into-clause ::= 
        'into' variable-commalist 

from-clause ::= 
        'from' variable-declaration-commalist 

variable-declaration ::= 
        type-spec local-variable

where-clause ::=
       'where' predicate-expression

group-by-clause ::=
'group by' expression-commalist

order-by-clause ::=
'order by' expression ['asc' | 'desc']

limit-clause ::=
'limit' expression
The select statement returns an unordered set of objects selected from the database. Duplicates are allowed in the result set of a query, i.e. the result is a bag. In case you need to construct an ordered sequence of objects rather than a bag you can use the vector selection statement.

The select-clause in a select statement defines the objects to be retrieved based on bindings of local variables declared in the from-clause and filtered by the where-clause. The select clause is often a comma-separated list of expressions to retrieve a bag of tuples of objects from the database. For example:
      select name(p), income(p) 
from Person p
where income(p)>2500;

The from-clause declares data types of local variables used in the query. For example:

      select name(p), income(p)
             from Person p
            where age(p)>20;
Notice that in variables in AmosQL can be bound to objects of any type. This is different from SQL select statements where all variables must be bound to tuples only. AmosQL is based on domain calculus while SQL select expressions are based on tuple calculus.

If a function is applied on the result of a function returning a bag of values, the outer function is applied on each element of that bag, the bag is flattened. This is called Daplex semantics. For example: if there are more than one parents per parent generation of Cush there will be several names (e.g. Noah and Ruth) returned when querying:

    select name(parents(parents(q)))
      from Person q
     where name(q)= "Cush";
would return the bag:
The where-clause gives selection criteria for the search. The where-clause is specified as a predicate. For example:
      select name(p), income(p)
 from Person p
 where age(p)>20;

To retrieve the results of tuple valued functions in queries, use tuple expressions, e.g.
    select name(m), name(f)
      from Person m, Person p
     where (m,f) = parents2(p);

Duplicates are removed from the result only when the keyword 'distinct' is specified, in which case a set (rather than a bag) is returned from the selection.

For example, this query returns the set of different names in the database:

    select distinct name(p)
      from Person p
     where age(p)>20;

The optional group-by-clause groups and summarizes (aggregates) the result. A select statement with a group-by-class is called a grouped selection. For example:

      select name(p), sum(income(p))
 from Person p
where age(p) > 20
group by name(p);

The optional order-by-clause sorts the result ascending ('asc', default) or descending ('desc'). A select statement with an order-by-clause is called an ordered selection. For example:

      select name(p), income(p)
 from Person p
where age(p) > 20
order by income(p) desc;

The optional limit-clause limits the number of returned values from the select statement. It is often used together with ordered selections to specify top-k queries. For example:

      select name(p), income(p)
 from Person p
where age(p) > 20
order by income(p) desc
limit 10;

The optional into-clause specifies variables to be bound to the result. 

For example:

    select p into :e
      from Person p
     where name(p) = 'Eve';
This query retrieves into the environment variable :eve2 the Person whose name is 'Eve'.

that if the result bag contains more than one object the into variable(s) will be bound only to the first object in the bag. In the example, if more that one person is named Eve the first one found will be assigned to :e.

If you wish to assign the entire result from the select statement in a variable, enclose it in parentheses. The result will be a bag. The elements of the bag can then be extracted with the in() function or the infix in operator:
    set :r = (select p from Person p where name(p) = 'Eve');
Inspect :r with one of these equivalent queries:
    select p from Person p where p in :r;

2.4.3 Predicates

The where clause in a select statement specifies a selection filter as a logical predicate over variables. A predicate is an expression returning a boolean including logical comparison operators and functions with boolean results. The boolean operators and and or can be used to combine boolean values. The general syntax of a predicate expression is:
predicate-expression ::=
        predicate-expression 'and' predicate-expression | 
        predicate-expression 'or' predicate-expression | 
        '(' predicate-expression ')' | 

Examples of predicates:
x < 5
"a" != s
home(p) = "Uppsala" and name(p) = "Kalle"
name(x) = "Carl" and child(x)
x < 5 or x > 6 and 5 < y
1+y <= sqrt(5.2)
parents2(p) = (m,f)
count(select friends(x) from Person x where child(x)) < 5

The boolean operator and has precedence over or. Negation is handled by the quantifier function notany().
For example:

a<2 and a>3 or b<3 and b>2
is equivalent to
(a<2 and a>3) or (b<3 and b>2)

The comparison operators (=, !=, <, <=, and >=) are treated as binary predicates. You can compare objects of any type.

Predicates are also allowed in the result of a select expression. For example, the query:
       select age(:p1) < 20 and home(:p1)="Uppsala";
returns true if person :p1 is younger than 20 and lives in Uppsala.

2.4.4 Grouped selections

A grouped selection is a select statement with a group-by-clause specified. The execution semantics of a grouped selection is different than for regular queries.

When analyzing data it is often necessary to group data, for example to get the sum of the salaries of employees per department. Such regroupings are specified though the group-by-clause. It specifies on which expressions in the select clause the data should be grouped and summarized.  

For example:
    select name(d), sum(salary(p))
      from Department d, Person p
     where dept(p)=d
     group by name(d);

Here the group-by-clause specifies that the result should be grouped on the name of the departments in the database. After the grouping, for each department d the salaries of the persons p working at that department should be summed using the aggregate function sum().

An element of a select-clause of a grouped selection must be one of:

  1. An element in the group key specified by the group-by-clause, which is name(d) in the example. The result is grouped on each group key. In the example the grouping is made over each department name so the group key is specified as name(d).
  2. A call to an aggregate function, which is sum() in the example. The aggregate function is applied for the set of bindings specified by the group key. In the example the aggregate function sum() is applied on the set of values of salary(p) for the persons p working in department d, i.e. where dept(p)=d.

In general aggregate functions such as sum(), avg(), stdev(), min(), max(), count() are applied on collections (bags) of values, rather than single objects.

Contrast the above query to the regular (non-grouped) query:

    select name(d), sum(salary(p))
      from Department d, Person p
     where dept(p)=d;

Without the grouping the aggregate function sum() is applied on the salary of each person p, rather than the collection of salaries corresponding to the group key name(p) in the grouped selection.

The group key need not be part of the result, for example the following query returns the sum of the salaries for all departments without revealing the department names:
    select sum(salary(p))
      from Department d, Person p
     where dept(p)=d
     group by name(d);

2.4.5 Ordered selections

The order-by-clause specifies that the result should be (partially) sorted by the specified sort key. The sort order is descending when desc is specified and ascending otherwise.

For example, the following query sorts the result descending based on the sort key salary(p):

  select name(p), salary(p)
    from Person p
   order by name(p) desc;

The sort key does not need to be part of the result.

For example, the following query list the salaries of persons in descending order without associating any names with the salaries:

 select salary(p)
   from Person p
  order by name(p) desc;

2.4.6 Top-k queries

A top-k query is a query returning the first few tuples in a larger set of tuples based on some ranking. The order-by-clause and limit-clause can be combined to specify top-k queries. For example, the following query returns the names and salaries of the 10 highest income earners:

  select name(p), salary(p)
    from Person p
   order by name(p) desc
   limit 10;

The limit can be any numerical expression.For example, the following query retrieves the :k+3 lowest income earners, where :k is a variable bound to a numeric value:

  select name(p), salary(p)
    from Person p
   order by name(p)
   limit :k+3;

An alternative is to use the functions topk() or leastk() that returns the top or least k keys and values in a bag of keys and values. The above two queries could also have been specified as:

  topk((select name(p), salary(p)
          from Person p),10);
  leastk((select name(p), salary(p)
            from Person p),10);

and leastk() are examples of generalized aggregate functions.

2.4.7 Aggregation over subqueries

Aggregate functions can be used in two ways:
  1. They can be used in grouped selections.
  2. They can be applied on subqueries.

In the second case, the subqueries are specified as nested select expressions returning bags, for example:

   avg(select income(p) from Person p);

Consider the query:
  select name(friends(p)) 
from Person p
where name(p)= "Bill";

The function friends() returns several (a bag of) persons on which the function name() is applied. The normal semantics in Amos II is that when a function (e.g. name()) is applied on a bag valued function (e.g. friends()) it will be applied on each element of the returned bag. In the example a bag of the names of the persons named Bill is returned. This is called Daplex semantics.

Aggregate functions work differently. They are applied on the entire bag. For example:


In this case count() is applied on the subquery of all friends of :p. The system uses a rule that arguments are converted (coerced) into a subquery when an argument of the calling function (e.g. count) is declared Bag of.

Local variables in queries may be declared as bags, which means that the variable is bound to a subquery that can be used as arguments to aggregate functions. For example:
  select sum(b), avg(b), stdev(b) 
from Bag of Integer b
where b = (select income(p)
from Person p);

Elements in subqueries can be accessed with the in operator. For example:

  select name(p), count(b) 
from Bag of Integer b, Person p
where b = (select p from Person p)
and p in b;

The query returns the names of all persons paired with the number of persons in the database.

Variables may be assigned to bags by assigning values of functions returning bags, for example:
   set :f = friends(:p);

Bags are not explicitly stored in the database, but are generated when needed, for example when they are used in aggregate functions or in. For example:
   set :bigbag = iota(1,10000000);
assigns :bigbag to a bag of 107 numbers. The bag is not explicitly created though. Instead its elements are generated when needed, for example when executing:

To compare that two bags are equal use:
  bequal(Bag x, Bag y) -> Boolean
Notice that bequal() materializes its arguments before doing the equality computation, which may occupy a lot of temporary space in the database image if the bags are large.

See 7.4 Aggregate functions for a details on aggregate functions.

2.4.8 Quantifiers

The function some() implements logical exist over a subquery:

some(Bag sq) -> Boolean
for example
   select name(p) 
from Person p
 where some(parents(p));

The function notany() tests if a subquery sq returns empty result, i.e. negation:
notany(Bag sq) -> Boolean
For example:
   select name(p) 
from Person p
where notany(select parents(p) where age(p)>65);

2.5 Vector queries

The order of the objects in the bag returned by a regular select statement is not predetermined unless an order-by clause is specified. However, even if order-by is specified the system will not preserve the order of the result of a select-statement if it is used in subsequent operations, such as making queries over the result or saving the value in the database.

If it is required to maintain the order of a set of data values the data type Vector has to be used. The collection datatype Vector represent ordered collections of any kinds of objects; the simplest and most common case of a vector is a numerical vector of numbers. In case the order of a query result is significant you can specify vector queries which preserves the order in query result by returning vectors, rather than the bags returned by regular select statements. This is particularly important when working with numerical vectors. A vector query can be one of the following:
  1. It can be a vector construction expression that creates a new vector from other objects.
  2. It can be a vector indexing expression that accesses vector elements by their indexes.
  3. It can be a regular select statement returning a set of constructed vectors.
  4. It can be a vselect statement, which returns an ordered vector rather than an unordered bag as the regular select statement.
  5. It can be a call to some vector function returning vectors as result.

2.5.1 Vector construction

The vector constructor {...} notation creates a single vector with explicit contents.  The following query constructs a vector of three numbers:
The returned vector is
  {1, 2.0, 3}

The following query constructs a bag of vectors holding the persons named Bill together with their ages.
  select {p,age(p)} from Person p where name(p)="Bill";

The previous query is different from the query
  select p, age(p) from Person p where name(p)="Bill"
which returns bag of tuples.

 2.5.2 The vselect statement

The vselect statement provides a powerful way to construct new vectors by queries. It has the same syntax as the select-statement. The difference is that whereas the select-statement returns a bag of objects, the vselect statement returns a vector of objects. For example:
  vselect i*2
     from Integer i
    where i = {1,2,3}
    order by i;
returns the vector

The vselect statement has the same syntax as the select statement except for the keyword vselect:
vselect-stmt ::=
        'vselect' ['distinct']
Notice that the order-by-clause normally should be present when constructing vectors with the vselect statement in order to exactly specify the order of the elements in the vector. If no order-by-clause is present the order of the elements in the vector is arbitrarily chosen by the system based on  the operators in the query, which is the order that is the most efficient to execute the query.

The built-in function iota() is very useful when constructing vectors. It has the signature
  iota(Number x, Number y) -> Bag of Integer
iota() returns the set of all integer i where l <= i <= u. For example,
returns the bag

For example:
  vselect i
     from Number i
    where i in iota(-4,5)
    order by i;
will return the vector

2.5.3 Accessing vector elements

Vector elements can be accessed using the vector-indexing notation:

  vector-indexing ::= simple-expr '[' expr-commalist ']'

The first element in a vector has index 0 etc.

For example:
  select a[0]+a[1]
    from Vector a
   where a = {1,2,3};

Index variables as numbers can be used in queries to specify iteration over all possibles index positions of a vector.

For example:
 vselect a[i]
    from Integer i
   where a[i] != 2
     and a = {1,2,3}
   order by i;
returns the vector:
The query should be read as "Make a vector v of all vector elements ai in a where ai != 2 and order the elements in v on i.

The following query multiplies the elements of the vectors bound to the interface variables :u and :v:
 vselect :u[i] * :v[i]
    from Integer i
   order by i;

2.5.4 Vector functions

There is a library of numerical vector functions for numerical computations and analyses described in Section 2.8.

The function project() constructs a new vector by extracting from the vector v the elements in the positions in pv:
  project(Vector v, Vector of Number pv) -> Vector r

For example:
  project({10, 20, 30, 40},{0, 3, 2});
 returns {10, 40, 30}

The function substv() replaces x with y in any collection v:
  substv(Object x, Object y, Object v) -> Object r

The system function dim() computes the size d of a vector v:
  dim(Vector v) -> Integer d

The function concat() concatenates two vectors:
  concat(Vector x, Vector y) -> Vector r

2.6 Defining functions

The create function statement defines a new user function stored in the database. Functions can be one of the following kinds:


create-function-stmt ::=
      'create function' generic-function-name argument-spec '->' result-spec [fn-implementation]

   E.g. create function born(Person) -> Integer as stored;

generic-function-name ::= identifier

function-name ::= generic-function-name |
                   type-name-list '.' generic-function-name '->' type-name-list

   E.g. plus
Function names are not case sensitive and are internally stored upper-cased.

type-name-list ::= type-name |
                   type-name '.' type-name-list

All types used in the function definitions must be previously defined.

argument-spec ::='(' [argument-declaration-commalist] ')' 

argument-declaration ::=
     type-spec [local-variable] [key-constraint]

The names of the argument and result parameters of a function definition must be distinct.

key-constraint ::= ('key' | 'nonkey')

result-spec ::=   argument-spec | tuple-result-spec 

tuple-result-spec ::=
   ['Bag of'] '(' argument-declaration-commalist ')' 

fn-implementation ::=
  'as' query |
'stored' |
       procedural-function-definition |

The argument-spec and the result-spec together specify the signature of the function, i.e. the types and optional names of formal parameters and results. 

2.6.1 Stored functions

A stored function is defined by the implementation 'as stored', for example:

   create function age(Person p) -> Integer a
    as stored;

The name of an argument or result parameter can be left unspecified if it is not referenced in the function's implementation, for example:

create function name(Person) -> Charstring
    as stored;

Bag of specifications on a single result parameter of a stored function declares the function to return a bag of values, i.e. a set with tuples allowed, for example:

     create function parents(Person) -> Bag of Person
    as stored;

that stored functions cannot have arguments declared 'Bag of''.

AmosQL functions may also have tuple valued results by using the tuple-result-spec notation. For example:

  create function parents2(Person p) -> (Person m, Person f)
as stored;

  create function marriages(Person p)
                  -> Bag of (Person spouse, Integer year)
    as stored;

Tuple expressions are used for binding the results of tuple valued functions in queries, for example:

  select s,y
    from Person s, Integer y
   where (s,y) in marriages(:p);

The multiple assignment statement assigns several variables to the result of a tuple valued query, for example:
  set (:mother,:father) = parents2(:eve);
You can store records in stored functions, for example:

   create function pdata(Person) -> Record
     as stored;

   create Person(pdata)
   instances ({'Greeting':'Hello, I am Tore',

Possible query:      select r['Greeting']
       from Person p, Record r
      where name(p)='Tore'
        and pdata(p)=r;

2.6.2 Derived functions

A derived function is defined by a single AmosQL query, for example:     create function taxincome(Person p) -> Number
      as select income(p) - taxes(p)
          where taxes(p) < 0

Functions with result type Boolean implement predicates and return true when the condition is fulfilled. For example:
  create function child(Person p) -> Boolean
            as select true where age(p)<18;
         create function child(Person p) -> Boolean
as age(p) < 18;

Since the select statement returns a bag of values, derived functions also often return a  Bag of results. If you know that a function returns a bag of values you should indicate that in the signature. For example:

   create function youngFriends(Person p)-> Bag of Person
as select f
from Person f
where age(f) < 18
and f in friends(p);
If you write:
   create function youngFriends(Person p)-> Person
as select f
from Person f
   where age(f) < 18
and f in friends(p);
you indicate to the system that youngFriends() returns a single value. However, this constraint is not enforced by the system so if there are more that one youngFriends() the system will treat the result as  a bag.

Variables declared in the result of a derived function need not be declared again in the from clause, their types are inferred from the function signature. For example, youngFriends() can also be defined as:

create function youngFriends(Person p) -> Bag of Person f
as select f
      where age(f) < 18
and f in friends(p);
Notice that the variable f is bound to the elements of the bag, not the bag itself. This definition is equivalent:

create function youngFriends(Person p) -> Bag of (Person f)
   as select f
       where age(f) < 18
         and f in friends(p);

Derived functions whose arguments are declared Bag of are user defined aggregate functions. For example:

create function myavg(Bag of Number x) -> Number
     as sum(x)/count(x);

Aggregate functions do not flatten the argument bag. For example, the following query computes the average age of Carl's grandparents:

   select myavg(age(grandparents(q)))
     from Person p
    where name(q)="Carl";

When functions returning tuples are called the values are bound by enclosing the function result within parentheses (..) through the tuple-expr syntax. For example:

       select age(m), age(f)
         from Person m, Person f, Person p
        where (m,f) = parents2(p)
          and name(p) = "Oscar";

2.6.3 Overloaded functions

Function names may be overloaded, i.e., functions having the same name may be defined differently for different argument types. This allows generic functions applicable on objects of several different argument types. Each specific implementation of an overloaded function is called a resolvent.

For example, assume the following two Amos II function definitions having the same generic function name less():

create function less(Number i, Number j)->Boolean
        as i < j; 
create function less(Charstring s,Charstring t)->Boolean 
        as s < t;
Its resolvents will have the signatures:
  less(Number,Number) -> Boolean
  less(Charstring,Charstring) -> Boolean
Internally the system stores the resolvents under different function names. The name of a resolvent is obtained by concatenating the type names of its arguments with the name of the overloaded function followed by the symbol '->' and the type of the result. The two resolvents above will be given the internal resolvent names NUMBER.NUMBER.LESS->BOOLEAN and CHARSTRING.CHARSTRING.LESS->BOOLEAN

The query compiler resolves the correct resolvent to apply based on the types of the arguments; the type of the result is not considered. If there is an ambiguity, i.e. several resolvents qualify in a call, or if no resolvent qualify, an error will be generated by the query compiler.

When overloaded function names are encountered in AmosQL function bodies, the system will use local variable declarations to choose the correct resolvent (early binding).  For example:

 create function younger(Person p,Person q)->Boolean
        as less(age(p),age(q));
will choose the resolvent NUMBER.NUMBER.LESS->BOOLEAN, since age returns integers and the resolvent NUMBER.NUMBER.LESS->BOOLEAN is applicable to integers by inheritance. The other function resolvent CHARSTRING.CHARSTRING.LESS->BOOLEAN does not qualify since it is not legal to apply to arguments of type Integer.

On the other hand, this function:

create function nameordered(Person p,Person q)->Boolean
        as less(name(p),name(q));
will choose the resolvent NUMBER.NUMBER.LESS->BOOLEAN since the function name() returns a string. In both cases the type resolution (selection of resolvent) will be done at compile time.

Late binding

Dynamic type resolution at run time, late binding, is sometimes required to choose the correct resolvent. For example, the query

will choose NUMBER.NUMBER.LESS->BOOLEAN based on the numeric types the the arguments.

Inside function definitions and queries there may be expressions requiring late bound overloaded functions. For example, suppose that managers are employees whose incomes are the sum of the income as a regular employee plus some manager bonus: 
 create type Employee under Person;
 create type Manager under Employee;
 create function mgrbonus(Manager)->Integer as stored;
 create function income(Employee)->Integer as stored; 
 create function income(Manager m)->Integer i 
        as income(cast(m as Employee)) + mgrbonus(m);
Now, suppose that we need a function that returns the gross incomes of all persons in the database, i.e. we use MANAGER.INCOME->INTEGER for managers and EMPLOYEE.INCOME->INTEGER for non-manager. In Amos II such a function is defined as:
 create function grossincomes()->Integer i 
        as select income(p)
        from Employee p;
/* income(p) late bound */
Since income is overloaded with resolvents EMPLOYEE.INCOME->INTEGER and MANAGER.INCOME->INTEGER and both qualify to apply to employees, the resolution of income(p) will be done at run time. 

To avoid the overhead of late binding one may use casting.

Since the detection of the necessity of dynamic resolution is often at compile time, overloading a function name may lead to a cascading recompilation of functions defined in terms of that function name. For a more detailed presentation of the management of late bound functions see [FR95].

2.6.4 Casting

The type of an expression can be explicitly defined using the casting statement:

 casting ::= 'cast'(expr 'as' type-spec)

for example

 create function income(Manager m)->Integer i 
        as income(cast(m as Employee)) + mgrbonus(m);

By using casting statements one can avoid late binding.

2.6.5 Second order functions

Amos II functions are internally represented as any other objects and stored in the database. Object representing functions can be used in functions and queries too. An object representing a function is called a functional. Second order functions take functionals as arguments or results. The system function functionnamed() retrieves the functional fno having a given name fn:

functionnamed(Charstring fn) -> Function fno
The name fn is not case sensitive.

For example
=> #[OID 155 "PLUS"]
returns the object representing the generic function plus, while

returns the object representing the resolvent named NUMBER.NUMBER.PLUS->NUMBER.

Another example of a second order function is the system function

apply(Function fno, Vector argl) -> Bag of Vector

It calls the functional fno with the vector argl as argument list. The result tuples are returned as a bag of vectors, for example:

  => {4.4}

Notice how apply() represents argument lists and result tuples as vectors.

When using second order functions one often needs to retrieve a functional fno given its name and the function functionnamed() provides one way to achieve this. A simpler way is often to use functional constants with syntax:

functional-constant ::= '#' string-constant

for example


A functional constant is translated into the functional with the name uniquely specified by the string constant. For example, the following expression

  => {1}

Notice that an error is raised if the function name specified in the functional constant is not uniquely identifying the functional. This happens if it is the generic name of an overloaded function. For example, the functional constant #'plus' is illegal, since plus() is overloaded. For overloaded functions the name of a resolvent has to be used instead, for example:

generates an error, while
apply(#'>number', {2,3.5});
=> {5.5}
=> {5.5}
The last call using functionnamed("plus") will be somewhat slower than using #'>number' since the functional for the generic function plus() is selected and then the system uses late binding to determine dynamically which resolvent of plus() to apply.

2.6.6 Transitive closures

The transitive closure functions tclose() is a second order function to explore graphs where the edges are expressed by a transition function specified by argument fno:

   tclose(Function fno, Object o) -> Bag of Object

tclose() applies the transition function fno(o), then fno(fno(o)), then fno(fno(fno(o))), etc until fno returns  no new result. Because of the Daplex semantics, if the transition function fno returns a bag of values for some argument o, the successive applications of fno will be applied on each element of the result bag. The result types of a transition function must either be the same as the argument types or a bag of the argument types. Such a function that has the same arguments and (bag of) result types is called a closed function.

For example, assume the following definition of a graph defined by the transition function arcsto():

  create function arcsto(Integer node)-> Bag of Integer n as stored;
set arcsto(1) = bag(2,3);
set arcsto(2) = bag(4,5);
set arcsto(5) = bag(1);

The following query traverses the graph starting in node 1:

Amos 5> tclose(#'arcsto', 1);

In general the function tclose() traverses a graph where the edges (arcs) are defined by the transition function. The vertices (nodes) are defined by the arguments and results of calls to the transition function fno, i.e. a call to the transition function fno defines the neighbors of a node in the graph. The graph may contain loops and tclose() will remember what vertices it has visited earlier and stop further traversals for vertices already visited.

You can also query the inverse of tclose(), i.e. from which nodes f can be reached, by the query:

Amos 6> select f from Integer f where 1 in tclose(#'arcsto',f);

If you know that the graph to traverse is a tree or a directed acyclic graph (DAG) you can instead use the faster function

   traverse(Function fno, Object o) -> Bag of Object

The children in the tree to traverse is defined by the transition function fno. The tree is traversed in pre-order depth first. Leaf nodes in the tree are nodes for which fno returns nothing. The function traverse() will not terminate if the graph is circular. Nodes are visited more than once for acyclic graphs having common subtrees.

A transition function may have extra arguments and results, as long as it is closed. This allows to pass extra parameters to a transitive closure computation. For example, to compute not only the transitive closure, but also the distance from the root of each visited graph node, specify the following transition function:

create function arcstod(Integer node, Integer d) -> Bag of (Integer,Integer)
  as select arcsto(node),1+d;

and call


which will return

Notice that only the first argument and result in the transition function define graph vertices, while the remaining arguments and results are extra parameters for passing information through the traversal, as with arcstod(). Notice that there may be no more than three extra parameters in a transition function.

2.6.7 Iteration

The function iterate() applies a function fn() repeadely. Signature:
   iterate(Function fn, Number maxdepth, Object x) -> Object r
The iteration is initialized by setting x0=x. Then xi+1= fn(xi) is repeadedly computed until one of the following conditions hold:
   i) there is no change (xi = xi+1), or
  ii) fn() returns nil (xi+1 = nil), or
 iii) an upper limit  maxdepth of the number of iterations is reached for xi.

There is another overloaded variant of iterate() that accepts an extra parameter p passed into fn(xi,p) in the iterations. Signature:
   iterate(Function fn, Number maxdepth, Object x0, Object p) -> Object r
This enables flexible termination of the iteration since fn(x,p) can return nil based on both x and p.

2.6.8 Abstract functions

Sometimes there is a need to have a function defined for subtypes of a common supertype, but the function should never be used for the supertype itself. For example, one may have a common supertype Dog with two subtypes Beagle and Poodle. One would like to have the function bark defined for different kinds of dogs, but not for dogs in general. In this case one defines the bark function for type Dog as an abstract function, for example::

create type Dog;
create function name(Dog)->Charstring as stored;
create type Beagle under Dog;
create type Poodle under Dog;
create function bark(Dog d) -> Charstring as foreign 'abstract-function';
create function bark(Beagle d) -> Charstring;
create function bark(Poodle d) -> Charstring;
create Poodle(name,bark) instances ('Fido','yip yip');
create Beagle(name,bark) instances ('Snoopy','arf arf');

Now you can use bark() as a function over dogs in general, but only if the object is a subtype of Dog:

Amos 15> select bark(d) from dog d;
"arf arf"
"yip yip"

An abstract function is defined by:

create function foo(...)->... as foreign 'abstract-function'.

An abstract functions are implemented as a foreign function whose implementation is named 'abstract-function'. If an abstract function is called it gives an informative error message. For example,  if one tries to call bark() for an object of type Dog, the following error message is printed:

Amos 16> create Dog instances :buggy;
Amos 17> bark(:buggy);
is an abstract function requiring a more specific argument signature than
(DOG) for arguments
(#[OID 1009])

2.6.9 Deleting functions

Functions are deleted with the delete function statement.


delete-function-stmt ::= 'delete function' function-name

For example:
delete function married;

Deleting a function also deletes all functions calling the deleted function.

2.7 Updates

Information stored in Amos II represent mappings between function arguments and results. These mappings are either defined at object creation time (Objects), or altered by one of the function update statements: set, add, or remove. The  extent  of a function is the bag of tuples mapping its arguments to corresponding results. Updating a stored function means updating its extent.


update-stmt ::=
        update-op update-item [from-clause] [where-clause

update-op ::= 
        'set' | 'add' | 'remove' 

update-item ::= 
        function-name '(' expr-commalist ')' '=' expr

For example, assume we have defined the following functions:
  create function name(Person) -> Charstring as stored;
create function hobbies(Person) -> Bag of Charstring as stored;
Furthermore, assume we have created two objects of type Person bound to the interface variables :sam and :eve:
  create Person instances :sam, :eve;
The set statement sets the value of an updatable function given the arguments.
For example, to set the names of the two persons, do:
  set name(:sam) = "Sam";
set name(:eve) = "Eve";
To populate a bag valued function you can use bag construction:
set hobbies(:eve) = bag("Camping","Diving");
The add statement adds result elements to bag valued functions.
For example, to make Sam have the hobbies sailing and fishing, do:
  add hobbies(:sam) = "Sailing";
add hobbies(:sam) = "Fishing";
The remove statement removes the specified tuple(s) from the result of an updatable function returning a bag for given arguments, for example:
  remove hobbies(:sam) = "Fishing";
The statement
  set hobbies(:eve) = hobbies(:sam);
will update Eve's all hobbies to be the same a Sam's hobbies.

Several object properties can be assigned by queries in update statements. For example, to make Eve have the same hobbies as Sam except sailing, do:
  set hobbies(:eve) = h
from Charstring h
where h in hobbies(:sam) and
h != "Sailing";
Here a query first retrieves all hobbies h of :sam before the hobbies of :eve are set.

A boolean function can be set to either true or false.
  create function married(Person,Person)->Boolean as stored;
set married(:sam,:eve) = true;
Setting the value of a boolean function to false means that the truth value is removed from the extent of the function. For example, to divorce Sam and Eve you can do either of the following:
  set married(:sam,:eve)=false;
  remove married(:sam) = :eve;
Not every function is updatable. Amos II defines a function to be updatable if it is a stored function, or if it is derived from a single updatable function with a join that includes all arguments. In particular inverses to stored functions are updatable. For example, the following function is updatable:
  create function marriedto(Person p) -> Person q
as select q where married(p,q);
The user can define update procedures for derived functions making also non-updatable functions updatable.

2.7.1 Cardinality constraints

A cardinality constraint is a system maintained restriction on the number of allowed occurrences in the database of an argument or result of a stored function. For example, a cardinality constraint can be that there is at most one salary per person, while a person may have any number of children. The cardinality constraints are normally specified by the result part of a stored function's signature.

For example, the following restricts each person to have one salary while many children are allowed:

   create function salary(Person p) -> Charstring nm
     as stored;
   create function children(Person p) -> Bag of Person
     as stored;

The system prohibits database updates that violate the cardinality constraints.  For the function salary() an error is raised if one tries to make a person have two salaries when updating it with the add statement, while there is no such restriction on children(). If the cardinality constraint is violated by a database update the following error message is printed:

   Update would violate upper object participation (updating function ...)

In general one can maintain four kinds of cardinality constraints for a function modeling a relationship between types, many-one, many-many, one-one, and one-many:
Any variable in a stored function can be specified as key, which will restrict the updates the stored functions to maintain key uniqueness for the argument or result of the stored function. For example, the cardinality constraints on the following function distance() prohibits more than one distance between two cities:
  create function distance(City x key, City y  key) ->  Integer d
    as stored;

Cardinality constraints can also be specified for foreign functions, which is important for optimizing queries involving foreign functions. However, it is up to the foreign function implementer to guarantee that specified cardinality constraints hold.

2.7.2 Changing object types

The add-type-stmt changes the type of one or more objects to the specified type.


add-type-stmt ::=
        'add type' type-name ['(' [generic-function-name-commalist] ')'] 
        'to' variable-commalist
The updated objects may be assigned initial values for all the specified property functions in the same manner as in the create object statement.

The remove-type-stmt makes one or more objects no longer belong to the specified type.


remove-type-stmt ::= 
        'remove type' type-name 'from' variable-commalist
Removing a type from an object may also remove properties from the object.   If all user defined types have been removed from an objects, the object will still be member of type Userobject.

2.7.3 Dynamic updates

Sometimes it is necessary to be able to create objects whose types are not known until runtime. Similarly one may wish to update functions without knowing the name of the function until runtime. For this there are the following system procedural system functions:

createobject(Type t)->Object
createobject(Charstring tpe)->Object
deleteobject(Object o)->Boolean
addfunction(Function f, Vector argl, Vector resl)->Boolean
remfunction(Function f, Vector argl, Vector resl)->Boolean
setfunction(Function f, Vector argl, Vector resl)->Boolean

createobject() creates an object of the type specified by its argument.

deleteobject() deletes an object.

The procedural system functions setfunction(), addfunction(), and remfunction() update a function given an argument list and a result tuple as vectors. They return TRUE if the update succeeded.

To delete all rows in a stored function fn, use

dropfunction(Function fn, Integer permanent)->Function

If the parameter permanent is the number one the deletion cannot be rolled back, which saves space if the extent of the function is large.

2.8 Data mining primitives

Amos II provides primitives for advanced analysis, aggregation, and visualizations of data collections. This is useful for data mining applications, e.g. for clustering and identifying patterns in data collections. Primitives are provided for analyzing both unordered collections (bags) and ordered collections (vectors). In particular ordered collections are often used in data mining and for this the vselect statement provides a powerful way to specify queries returning vectors. Another important issue is grouping data based on some grouping criteria and top-k queries, which are handled by the group by construct supported both for regular queries and vector queries. System functions are provided for basic numerical vector computations, distance computations, and  statistical computations . The results of the analyzes can be visualized by calling an external data visualization package.

2.8.1 Numerical vector functions

For numerical vectors the times() function (infix operator: * ) is defined as the scalar product:
  times(Vector x, Vector y) -> Number r
For example:
  {1, 2, 3} * {4, 5, 6};
returns the number 32.

For numerical vectors the elemtimes() function (infix operator: .*) is defined as the element wise product for vectors of numbers:
  elemtimes(Vector x, Vector y) -> Vector of Number r
For example:
  {1, 2, 3} .* {4, 5, 6};
returns {4, 10, 18}.

For numerical vectors the elemdiv() function (infix operator: ./) is defined as the element wise fractions:
  elemdiv(Vector x, Vector y) -> Vector of Number r
For example:
  {1, 2, 3} ./ {4, 5, 6};
returns {0.25, 0.4, 0.5}.

For numerical vectors the elempower() function (infix operator: .^) is defined as the element wise power:
  elempower(Vector of Number x, Number exp) -> Vector of Number r
For example:
  {1, 2, 3} .^ 2;
returns {1, 4, 9}.

For numerical vectors the plus() and minus() functions (infix operators: + and - ) are defined as the element wise sum and difference, respectively:
  plus(Vector of number x, Vector of number y) -> Vector of Number r
  minus(Vector of number x, Vector of number y) -> Vector of Number r
For example:
  {1, 2, 3} + {4, 5, 6};
returns {5, 7, 9} and
  {1, 2, 3} - {4, 5, 6};
returns {-3, -3, -3}.

The times() and div() functions (infix operators: * and / ) scale vectors by a scalar:
  times(Vector of number x,Number y) -> Vector of Number r
  div(Vector of number x,Number y) -> Vector of Number r
For example:
  {1, 2, 3} * 1.5;
returns {1.5, 3.0, 4.5}

For user convenience, plus() and minus() functions (infix operators: + and -) allow mixing vectors and scalars:
  plus(Vector of Number x, Number y) -> Vector of Number r
  minus(Vector of Number x, Number y) -> Vector of Number r
For example:
  {1, 2, 3} + 10;
returns {11, 12, 13} and
  {1, 2, 3} - 10;
returns {-9, -8, -7}.

These functions can be used in queries too:
  select lambda
    from number lambda
   where {1, 2} - lambda = {11, 12};

returns -10.

If the equation has no solution, the query will have no result:
  select lambda
    from number lambda
   where {1, 3} - lambda = {11, 12};

By contrast, note that this query will has a result:
  select lambda
   from vector of number lambda
  where {1, 2} - lambda = {11, 12};

returns {-10,-9}.

The functions zeros() and ones() generate vectors of zeros and ones, respectively:
  zeros(Integer)-> Vector of Number
  ones(Integer)-> Vector of Number

For example:
 results in {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
  3.1 * ones(4);
 results in {3.1, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1}

The function roundto() rounds each element in a vector of numbers to the desired number of decimals:
  roundto(Vector of Number v, Integer d) -> Vector of Number r
For example:
  roundto({3.14159, 2.71828}, 2);
 returns {3.14, 2.72}

The function vavg() computes the average value a of a vector of numbers v:
  vavg(Vector of Number v) -> Real a

The function vstdev() computes the standard deviation s of a vector of numbers v:
  vstdev(Vector of Number v) -> Real s

The function median() computes the median m of a vector of numbers v:
  median(Vector of Number v) -> Number m

The function euclid() computes the Euclidean distance between two points p1 and p2 expressed as vectors of numbers:
  euclid(Vector of Number p1, Vector of Number p2) -> Real d

The function minkowski() computes the Minkowski distance between two points p1 and p2 expressed as vectors of numbers, with the Minkowski parameter r:
  minkowski(Vector of Number p1, Vector of Number p2, Real r) -> Real d

The function maxnorm() computes the Maxnorm distance between two points p1 and p2 (conceptually, this is the same as the Minkowski distance with r = infinity):
  maxnorm(Vector of Number p1, Vector of Number p2) -> Real d

2.8.2 Vector aggregate functions

The following functions group and compute aggregate values over collections of numerical vectors.

Dimension-wise aggregates over bags of vectors can be computed using the function aggv:
  aggv(Bag of Vector, Function) -> Vector
For example:
  aggv((select {i, i + 10}
          from integer i
         where i in iota(1, 10)), #'avg');
 returns in {5.5, 15.5}

Each dimension in a bag of vector of number can be normalized using one of the normalization functions meansub(), zscore(), or maxmin(). They all have the same signature:
meansub(Bag of Vector of Number b) -> Bag of Vector of Number
zscore(Bag of Vector of Number b) -> Bag of Vector of Number
maxmin(Bag of Vector of Number b) -> Bag of Vector of Number
meansub() transforms each dimension to a N(0, s) distribution (assuming that the dimension was N(u, s) distributed) by subtracting the mean u of each dimension. zscore() transforms each dimension to a N(0, 1) distribution by also dividing by the standard deviation of each dimension. maxmin() transforms each dimension to be on the [0, 1] interval by applying the transformation (w - min) ./ (max - min) to each vector w in bag b where max and min are computed using aggv(b, #'maxagg') and aggv(b, #'minagg') respectively.
For example:
meansub((select {i, i/2 + 10}
from integer i
where i in iota(1, 5)));
Principal Component Analysis is performed using the function pca():
  pca(Bag of Vector data)-> (Vector of Number eigval D, Vector of Vector of Number eigvec W)
pca() takes a bag of M-dimensional vectors in data and computes the MxM covariance matrix C of the input vectors. Then, pca() computes the M eigenvalues D and the MxM eigenvector matrix W of the covariance matrix. pca() returns the eigenvalues D and their corresponding eigenvectors W.

To use pca() to reduce the dimensionality to the L most significant dimensions, each input vector must be projected onto the eigenvectors corresponding to the L greatest eigenvalues using the scalar product. This is done using the function pcascore():
  pcascore(Bag of Vector of Number, Integer d) -> Vector of Number score
pcascore() performs PCA on data, and projects each data vector in data onto the d first eigenvectors. Each projected vector in data is emitted.
The function LPCASCORE allows a label to be passed along with each vector:
  lpcascore(Bag of (Vector of Number, Object label), Integer d) -> (Vector of Number score, Object label)
The label of each vector remains unchanged during projection.

Note that the input data might have to be pre-processed, using some vector normalization.

2.8.3 Plotting numerical data

AmosII can utilize GNU Plot (v 4.2 or above), to plot numerical data. The plot() function is used to plot a line connecting two-dimensional points. Each vector in the vector v is a data point. plot() will plot the points in the order they appear in the v.
  plot(Vector of Vector v) -> Integer
The return value is the exit code of the plot program. A nonzero value indicates error.
If the data points have a higher dimensionality than two, the optional argument projs is used to select the dimension to be plotted.
  plot(Vector of Integer projs, Vector of Vector v) -> Integer
The projs vector lists the dimensions onto which each data vector is to be projected. The first dimension has number 0 (zero).

Scatter plots of bags of two-dimensional vectors are generated using scatter2().
scatter2p() and scatter2l() plots three-dimensional data in two dimensions. scatter2p() assigns a color temperature of each point according to the value of its value in the third dimension. scatter2l() labels each point in the two-dimensional plot with the its value of the third dimension. The value of the third dimension in scatter2l() could be numerical or textual.

Three-dimensional scatter plots are generated using scatter3(), scatter3l(), and scatter3p(). scatter3() plots 3-dimensional data, whereas scatter3l() and scatter3p() plot 4-dimensional data in the same fashion as scatter2p() and scatter2l().
Each scatter plot function have two different signatures:
scatter2(Bag of Vector v) -> Integer 
scatter2l(Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter2p(Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter3(Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter3l(Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter3p(Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter2(Vector of Integer projs, Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter2l(Vector of Integer projs, Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter2p(Vector of Integer projs, Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter3(Vector of Integer projs, Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter3l(Vector of Integer projs, Bag of Vector v) -> Integer
scatter3p(Vector of Integer projs, Bag of Vector v) -> Integer

2.9 Accessing data in files

The file system where an Amos II server is running can be accessed with a number of system functions:

The function pwd() returns the path to the current working directory of the server:
  pwd() -> Charstring path

The function cd() changes the current working directory of the server:
  cd(Charstring path) -> Charstring

The function dir() returns a bag of the files in a directory:
  dir() -> Bag of Charstring file
  dir(Charstring path) -> Bag of Charstring file
  dir(Charstring path, Charstring pat) -> Bag of Charstring file

The first optional argument path specifies the path to the directory. The second optional argument pat specifies a regular expression (as in like) to match the files to return.

The function file_exists() returns true if a file with a given name exists:
  file_exists(Charstring file) -> Boolean

The function directoryp() returns true if a path is a directory:
  directoryp(Charstring path) -> Boolean

The function filedate() returns the write time of a file with a given name:
  filedate(Charstring file) -> Date

2.9.1 Reading vectors from a file

The function csv_file_tuples() reads a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. Each line is returned as a vector.
  csv_file_tuples(Charstring file) -> Bag of Vector

For example, if a file named myfile.csv contains the following lines:
1,2.3,a b c
4,5.5,d e f

the result from the call csv_file_tuples("myfile.csv") is  bag containing these vectors:
{1,2.3,"a b c"}
{4,5.5,"d e f"}

The CSV reader can, e.g., read CSV files saved by EXCEL, but is has to be in English format.

The function writecsvfile() writes the vectors in a bag b into a file in CSV  (Comma Separated Values) format so that it can loaded into, e.g., EXCEL.
  writecsvfile(Charstring file, Bag b) -> Boolean

For example, the following statement:
  writecsvfile("myoutput.csv", bag({1,"a b",2.2},{3,"d e",4.5})

produces the a file myoutput.csv having these lines:
1,a b,2.2
3,d e,4.5

The function read_ntuples() imports data from a text file of space separated values. Each line of the text file produces one vector in the result bag. Each token on a line will be parsed into field in the vector. Numbers in the file are parsed into numbers. All other tokens are parsed into strings.
  read_ntuples(Charstring file) -> Bag of Vector

For example, if a file name test.nt contains the following:

"This is the first line" another word
1 2 3 4.45 2e9
"This line is parsed into two fields" 3.14

the call read_ntuples("test.nt") returns
a beg with the following vectors:
{"This is the first line","another","word"}
{"This line is parsed into two fields",3.14}

2.10 Scans

Scans provide a way to iterate over a very large result of a query, a function call, variable value, or any expression without explicitly saving the result in memory. The open-cursor-stmt opens a new scan on the result of an expression. A scan is a data structure holding a current element, the cursor, of a potentially very large bag of values produced by a query, function call, or variable binding. The next element in the bag is retrieved by the fetch cursor statement. Every time a fetch cursor statement
is executed the cursor is moved forward over the bag. When the end of the scan is reached the fetch cursor statement returns empty result. The user can test whether there is any more elements in a scan by calling one of the functions
   more(Scan s)   -> Boolean
   nomore(Scan s) -> Boolean
that test whether the scan is has more rows or not, respectively.


open-cursor-stmt ::=
        'open' cursor-name 'for' expr

cursor-name ::= 

fetch-cursor-stmt ::= 
        'fetch' cursor-name [into-clause]

close-cursor-stmt ::=
        'close' cursor-name
If the optional into clause is present in a fetch cursor statement, it will bind elements of the first result tuple to variables. There must be one variable for each element in the next cursor tuple.

If no into clause is present in a fetch cursor statement a single result tuple is fetched and displayed.

For example:
create person (name,age) instances :Viola ('Viola',38);
open :c1  for (select p from Person p where name(p) = 'Viola'); 
fetch :c1 into :Viola1;
close :c1; 
--> "Viola";

The close cursor statement deallocates the scan.

Cursors allow iteration over very large bags created by queries or function calls. For example,

set :b = (select iota(1,1000000)+iota(1,1000000)); 
/* :b contains a bag with 10**12 elements! */

open :c for :b;
fetch :c;
-> 2
fetch :c;
-> 3
close :c;

Cursors are implemented using a special datatype called Scan that allows iterating over very large bags of tuples using limited memory. The following functions are available for accessing the tuples in a scan as vectors:

next(Scan s)->Vector
moves the cursor to the next tuple in a scan and returns the cursor tuple. The fetch cursor statement is syntactic sugar for calling next().

this(Scan s)->Vector
returns the current tuple in a scan without moving the cursor forward.

peek(Scan s)->Vector

returns the next tuple in a scan without moving the cursor forward.

3 Procedural functions

A procedural function is an Amos II function defined as a sequence of AmosQL statements that may have side effects (e.g. database update statements). Procedural functions may return a bag of results by using a special return statement. Each time return is executed another result element is emitted from the function. Procedural function should be avoided in queries since procedural functions may change the data and the execution order of function calls in queries is usually undefined.  Most, but not all, AmosQL statements are allowed in procedure bodies as can be seen by the syntax below.


procedural-function-definition ::=
        block | procedure-stmt

procedure-stmt ::=
        for-each-stmt |
        update-stmt |
        add-type-stmt |
        remove-type-stmt |
        if-stmt |
commit-stmt |
abort-stmt |
loop-stmt |
while-stmt |
open-cursor-stmt |
fetch-cursor-stmt |

    block ::= 
               ['declare' variable-declaration-commalist ';'] 

    return-stmt ::= 
        'return' expr 

    for-each-stmt ::= 
        'for each' [for-each-option] variable-declaration-commalist 
                [where-clause] for-each-body 

for-each-option ::= 'distinct' | 'copy'

for-each-body ::= procedure-body

    if-stmt ::= 
        'if' expr 
        'then' procedure-body 
        ['else' procedure-body

set-local-variable-stmt ::= 
        'set' local-variable '=' expr

while-stmt ::=
'while' expr 'do' procedure-stmt-semicolonlist 'end while'

loop-stmt ::=
'loop' procedure-stmt-semicolonlist 'end loop'

leave-stmt ::=
For example, the procedural function creperson() creates a new person and sets the properties name() and income(), i.e. it is a constructor for persons: 
 create function creperson(Charstring nm,Integer inc) -> Person p 
                  create Person instances p; 
                  set name(p)=nm; 
                  set income(p)=inc; 
                  return p; 

 set :p = creperson('Karl',3500);
The procedural function makestudent() makes a person a student and sets the student's score() property:

create function makestudent(Object o,Integer sc) -> Boolean 
  as add type Student(score) to o (sc); 


The function flatten_incomes() updates the incomes of all persons having higher income than a threshold value:

 create function flatten_incomes(Integer threshold) -> Boolean 
    as for each Person p
          where income(p) > threshold 

          set income(p) = income(p) - 
              (income(p) - threshold) / 2;

The function sumb2() multiplies the elements of two bags:

create function sumb2(Bag of Number b1, Bag of Number b2) -> Number
   as begin declare Number r, Number x1, Number x2,
                    Scan c1, Scan c2;

      open c1 for b1;
      open c2 for b2;
      set r = 0;
      while more(c1) and more(c2)
       do fetch c1 into x1;
          fetch c2 into x2;
          set r = r + x1*x2;
          return r;
      end while;

sumb2() illustrates the use of while statements in procedural functions to iterate over several scans simultaneously.

Queries and updates embedded in procedure bodies are optimized at compile time. The compiler saves the optimized query plans in the database so that dynamic query optimization is not needed when procedural functions are executed. 

A procedural function may return a bag of result values iteratively by executing the return statement several times in a procedural function returning a bag. Every time the return statement is executed an element of the result bag is returned every time it is executed.  The return statement does not not abort the control flow (different from, e.g., return in C), but it only specifies that a value is to be emitted to the result bag of the function and then the procedure evaluation is continued as usual.  For example,

create function myiota(Number l, Number u) -> Bag of Integer
  as begin declare Integer r;
     set r = l;
     while r <= u
     do return r;
        set r = r + 1;
     end while;

Notice that scans can be used for iterating over procedural functions returning large bags by many executions of the return statement. For example:
open :c for myiota(1,10000000);
fetch :c;
fetch :c;

If the return statement is never called in a procedural function, the result of the procedural function is empty. If a procedural function is used for its side effects only, not returning any value, the result type Boolean is specified.

3.1 Iterating over results

The for-each statement statement iterates over the result of the query specified by the variable declarations executing the for-each body for each result variable binding of the query. For example the following procedural function adds inc to the incomes of all persons with salaries higher than limit and returns their old incomes: 

create function increase_incomes(Integer inc,Integer thres)
                               -> Integer oldinc 
  as for each Person p, Integer i 
        where i > thres
          and i = income(p) 
       return i; 
       set income(p) = i + inc 
The for-each statement does not return any value at all unless a return statement is called within its body as in increase_incomes().  

The for-each option specifies how to treat the result of the query iterated over. If it is omitted the system default is to iterate directly over the result of the query while immediately applying the for-each body on each retrieved element.

If distinct is specified in a for-each statement the iteration is over a copy where duplicates in addition have been removed.

If  copy is specified the code is applied on a copy of the result of the query. This options may be needed if the body updates the same collections as it is iterating over.

Notice that scans can be used as an alternative to the for-each statement for iterating over the result of a bag. However, the for-each statement is faster than iterating with cursors, but it cannot be used for simultaneously iterating over several bags such as is done by the  sumb2().

3.2 User update procedures

It is possible to register user defined user update procedures for any function. The user update procedures are procedural functions which are transparently invoked when update statements are executed for the function.

    set_addfunction(Function f, Function up)->Boolean
  set_remfunction(Function f, Function up)->Boolean
  set_setfunction(Function f, Function up)->Boolean

The function f is the function for which we wish to declare a user update function and up is the actual update procedure. The arguments of a user update procedures is the concatenation of argument and result tuples of  f. For example, assume we have a function

  create function netincome(Employee e) -> Number
    as income(e)-taxes(e);

Then we can define the following user update procedure:

create function set_netincome(Employee e, Number i) -> Boolean
  as begin
     set taxes(e)= i*taxes(e)/income(e) + taxes(e);
     set income(e) = i*(1-taxes(e))/income(e) +

The following declaration makes netincome() updatable with the set statement:


Now one can update netincome() with, e.g.:

   set netincome(p)=32000
  from Person p
 where name(p)="Tore";

4 The SQL processor

Amos II databases can be manipulated using SQL as an alternative to AmosQL. The SQL preprocessor translates SQL commands to corresponding AmosQL statements. The SQL preprocessor is called using a special foreign function:

sql(Charstring query)->Bag of vector result

To make it possible to use an Amos II function in SQL queries, its name must be prefixed with 'sql:'. Thus an Amos II function whose name is sql:<table> is regarded from SQL as a table named <table> and can be queried and updated using SQL statements passed as argument to the foreign function sql.

For example, assume we define the stored functions:

create function sql:employee(Integer ssn) -> (Charstring name, Number Income, Integer dept) as stored;
create function sql:dept(Integer dno) -> Charstring dname as stored;

Then we can populate the tables by the following calls to the sql function:

sql("insert into employee values (12345, ‘Kalle’, 10000, 1)");
sql("insert into employee values (12386, ‘Elsa’, 12000, 2)");
sql("insert into employee values (12493, ‘Olof’, 5000, 1)");
sql("insert into dept values(1,’Toys’)");
sql("insert into dept values(2,’Cloths’)");

Examples of SQL queries are:

sql("select ssn from employee where name = ‘Kalle’");
sql("select dname from dept, employee where dept = dno and name=’Kalle’");

The parser is based on the SQL-92 version of SQL. Thus, the SQL processor allows an Amos II database be both updated and queried using SQL-92. The parser passes most of the SQL-92 validation test.  However, SQL views are not supported. For further details see

The command line option

        amos2 ... -q sql...

will make Amos II accept SQL as query language in the top loop rather than AmosQL.

5 Peer management

Using a basic Amos II peer communication system, distributed Amos II peers can be set up which communicate using TCP/IP. A federation of Amos II peers is managed by a name server which is an Amos II peer knowing addresses and names of other Amos II peers. Queries, AmosQL commands, and results can be shipped between peers. Once a federation is set up, multi-database facilities can be used for defining queries and views spanning several Amos II peers [RJK03]. Reconciliation primitives can be used for defining object-oriented multi-peer views [JR99a][JR99b].

5.1 Peer communication

The following AmosQL system functions are available for inter-peer communication:

   nameserver(Charstring name)->Charstring
The function makes the current stand-alone database into a name server and registers there itself as a peer with the given name. If name is empty ("") the name server will become anonymous and not registered as a peer. It can be accessed under the peer name "NAMESERVER" though.

The function starts the peer listening loop. It informs the name server that this peer is ready to receive incoming messages. The listening loop can be interrupted with CTRL-C and resumed again by calling listen(). The name server must be listening before any other peer can register.

   register(Charstring name)->Charstring
The function registers in the name server the current stand-alone database as a peer with the given name The system will complain if the name is already registered in the name server. The peer needs to be activated with listen() to be able to receive incoming requests. The name server must be running on the local host.

   register(Charstring name, Charstring host)->Charstring
Registers the current database as a peer in the federation name server running on the given host. Signals error if peer with same name already registered in federation.

   reregister(Charstring name)->Charstring
   reregister(Charstring name, Charstring host)->Charstring

as register() but first unregisters another registered peer having same name rather than signaling error. Good when restarting peer registered in name server after crash so the crashed peer will be unregistered.  

   this_amosid()->Charstring name
Returns the name of the peer where the call is issued. Returns the string "NIL" if issued in a not registered standalone Amos II system.

   other_peers()->Bag of Charstring name
Returns the names of the other peers in the federation managed by the name server.

   ship(Charstring peer, Charstring cmd)-> Bag of Vector
Ships the AmosQL command cmd for execution in the named peer. The result is shipped back to the caller as a set of tuples represented as vectors.  If an error happens at the other peer the error is also shipped back.

   call_function(Charstring peer, Charstring fn, Vector args, Integer stopafter)-> Bag of Vector
Calls the Amos II function named fn with argument list args in peer. The result is shipped back to the caller as a set of tuples represented as vectors. The maximum number of tuples shipped back is limited by stopafter. If an error happens at the other peer the error is also shipped back.

   send(Charstring peer, Charstring cmd)-> Charstring peer
Sends the AmosQL command cmd for asynchronous execution in the named peer without waiting for the result to be returned. Errors are handled at the other peer and not shipped back.

   send_call(Charstring peer, Charstring fn, Vector args)-> Boolean
Calls the Amos II function named fn with argument list args asynchronously in the named peer without waiting for the result to be returned. Errors are handled at the other peer and not shipped back.

   broadcast(Charstring cmd)-> Bag of Charstring
Sends the AmosQL command cmd for asynchronous execution in all other peers. Returns the names of the receiving peers.

   gethostname()->Charstring name
Returns the name of the host where the current peer is running.

   kill_peer(Charstring name)->Charstring
Kills the named peer. If the peer is the name server it will not be killed, though. Returns the name of the killed peer.

   kill_all_peers()->Bag of Charstring
Kills all peers. The name server and the current peer will still be alive afterwards. Returns the names of the killed peers.

Kills all the peers in the federation, including the name server and the peer calling kill_the_federation.

   is_running(Charstring  peer)->Boolean
Returns true if peer is listening.

   wait_for_peer(Charstring peer)->Charstring
Waits until the peer is running and then returns the peer name.

   amos_servers()->Bag of Amos
Returns all peers managed by the name server on this computer. You need not be member of federation to run the function.

5.2 Peer queries and views

Once you have established connections to Amos II peers you can define views of data from your peers. You first have to import the meta-data about selected types and functions from the peers. This is done by defining proxy types and proxy functions [RJK03] using the system function import_types:

   import_types(Vector of Charstring typenames,  Charstring p)-> Bag of Type pt
defines proxy types pt for types named typenames in peer p. Proxy functions are defined for the functions in p having the imported types as only argument. Inheritance among defined proxy types  is imported according to the corresponding  inheritance relationships between imported types in the peer p.

Once the proxy types and functions are defined they can transparently be queried. Proxy types can be references using @ notation to reference types in other peers.
For example,
   select name(p) from Person@p1;
selects the name property of objects of type Person in peer p1.

import_types imports only those functions having one of typenames as its single arguments. You can import other functions using system function import_func:

   import_func(Charstring fn, Charstring p)->Function pf
imports a function named fn from peer p returning proxy function pf.

On top of the imported types object-oriented multi-peer views can be defined, as described in [RJK03] consisting of derived types [JR99a] whose extents are derived through queries intersecting extents of other types, and IUTs [JR99b] whose extents reconciles unions of other type extents. Notice that the implementation of IUTs is limited. (In particular the system flag latebinding('OR'); must be set before IUTs can be used and this may cause other problems).

6 Accessing external systems

This chapter first describes multi-directional foreign functions [LR92], the basis for accessing external systems from Amos II queries. Then we describe how to query relational databases through Amos II. Finally some general types and functions used for defining wrappers of external sources are described.

Amos II provides a number of primitives for accessing different external data sources by defining wrappers for each kind external sources. A wrapper is a software module for making it possible to query an external data source using AmosQL. The basic wrapper interface is based on user defined multi-directional foreign functions having various capabilities used to access external data sources in different ways [LR92] depending on what variables are bound or free in an execution plan, the binding patterns. On top of the basic foreign function mechanism object oriented abstractions are defined through mapped types [FR97]. A number of important query rewrite techniques used in the system for scalable access to wrapped sources, in particular relational databases, are described in [FR97]. Rewrites for handling scalable execution of queries involving late bound function calls are described in [FR95]. Multi-database views are further described in [JR99a][JR99b]. The distributed query decomposer is described in [JR02] and [RJK03].

A general wrapper for relational databases using JDBC is predefined in Amos II.

6.1 Foreign and multi-directional functions

The basis for accessing external systems from Amos II is to define foreign functions. A foreign function allows subroutines defined in C/C++ [Ris12], Lisp [Ris06], or Java [ER00] to be called from Amos II queries. This allows access to external databases, storage managers, or computational libraries. A foreign function is defined by the following function implementation:

foreign-body ::= simple-foreign-definition | multidirectional-definition

simple-foreign-body ::= 'foreign' [string-constant]

multidirectional-definition ::= 'multidirectional' capability-list

capability ::= (binding-pattern 'foreign'
string-constant ['cost' cost-spec]['rewriter' string-constant])

binding-pattern ::=
A string constant containing
'b':s and 'f':s

cost-number ::= integer-constant | real-constant

cost-spec ::= function-name | '{' cost-number ',' cost-number '}'

  For example:

  create function iota(Integer l, Integer u) -> Bag of Integer
    as foreign 'iota--+';

   create function sqroots(Number x)-> Bag of Number r
    as multidirectional
       ("bf" foreign 'sqrts' cost {2,2})
       ("fb" foreign 'square' cost {1.2,1});
  create function bk_access(Integer handle_id )->(Vector  key, Vector)
       /* Access rows in BerkeleyDB table */                    
    as multidirectional
       ('bff' foreign 'bk_scan' cost bk_cost rewriter 'abkw')
       ('bbf' foreign 'bk_get' cost {1002, 1});
  create function myabs(real x)->real y
    as multidirectional
       ("bf" foreign "JAVA:Foreign/absbf" cost {2,1})
       ("fb" foreign "JAVA:Foreign/absfb" cost {4,2});

The syntax using multidirectional definition provides for specifying different implementations of foreign functions depending on what variables are known for a call to the function in a query execution plan, which is called different binding patterns. The simplified syntax using simple-foreign-body is mainly for quick implementations of functions without paying attention to different implementations based on different binding patterns.

A foreign function can implement one of the following:
  1. A filter which is a predicate, indicated by a foreign function whose result is of type Boolean, e.g. '<', that succeeds when certain conditions over its results are satisfied.
  2. A computation that produces a result given that the arguments are known, e.g. + or sqrt. Such a function has no argument nor result of type Bag.
  3. A generator that has a result of type Bag. It produces the result as a bag by generating a stream of several  result tuples given the argument tuple, e.g. iota() or the function sending SQL statements to a relational database for evaluation where the result is a bag of tuples.
  4. An aggregate function has one argument of type Bag but not result of type Bag. It iterates over the bag argument to compute some aggregate value over the bag, e.g. average().
  5. A combiner has has both one or several arguments of type Bag and some result of type Bag. It combines one or several bags to form a new bag. For example, basic join operators can be defined as combiners.
Amos II functions in general are multi-directional. A multi-directional function can be executed also when the result of a function is given and some corresponding argument values are sought. For example, if we have a function
    parents(Person)-> Bag of Person 
we can ask these AmosQL queries:
    parents(:p);  /* Result is the bag of parents of :p */
select c from Person c where :p in parents(c);
                /* Result is bag of children of :p */ 
It is often desirable to make foreign Amos II functions multi-directional as well. As a very simple example, we may wish to ask these queries using the square root function sqroots above:
    sqroots(4.0);    /* Result is -2.0 and 2.0 */ 
select x from Number x where sqroots(x)=4.0;
                /* result is 16.0 *
/* Is the square root of 4 = 2 */
With simple foreign functions only the forward (non-inverse) function call is possible. Multi-directional foreign functions permit also the inverse to be called in queries.

The benefit of multi-directional foreign functions is that a larger class of queries calling the function is executable, and that the system can make better query optimization. A multi-directional foreign function can have several capabilities implemented depending on the binding pattern of its arguments and results. The binding pattern is a string of b:s and f:s, indicating which arguments or results in a given situation are known or unknown, respectively.

For example, sqroots() has the following possible binding patterns:

(1) If we know x but not r, the binding pattern is "bf" and the implementation should return r as the square root of x.
(2) If we know r but not x, the binding pattern in "fb" and the implementation should return x as r**2.
(3) If we know both r and x then the binding pattern is "bb" and the implementation should check that x = r**2.
Case (1) and (2) are implemented by multi-directional foreign function sqroots() above.
Case (3) need not be implemented as it is inferred by the system by first executing r**2 and then checking that the result is equal to x (see [LR92]).

To implement a multi-directional foreign function you first need to think of which binding patterns require implementations. In the sqroots() case one implementation handles the square root and the other one handles the square. The binding patterns will be "bf" for the square root and "fb" for the square.

The following steps are required to define a foreign function:
  1. Implement each foreign function capability using the interface of the implementation language. For Java this is explained in [ER00]  and for C in  [Ris12].
  2. In case the foreign code implemented in C/C++ the implementation must be implemented as a DLL (Windows) or a shared library (Unix) and dynamically linked to the kernel by calling the function load_extension("name-of-extension"). There is an example of a Visual Studio project (Windows) files or a Makefile (Unix) in folder demo of the downloaded Amos II version.
  3. The exported initializer named xxx of the DLL/shared library extension must assign a symbolic name to the foreign C functions which is referenced in the foreign function definition (sqrt and square in the example above) [Ris12].
  4. Finally a multidirectional foreign function needs to be defined through a foreign function definition in AmosQL as above. Here the implementor may associate a binding pattern and an optional cost estimate with each capability. Normally the foreign function definition is done separate from the actual code implementing its capabilities, in an AmosQL script.
  5. The system automatically realoads foreign functions in a saved database image when the image is restarted.
A capability can also be defined as a select expression (i.e. query) executed for the given binding pattern. The variables marked bound (b) are inputs to the select expression and the result binds the free (f) variables. For example, sqroots() could also have been defined by:

  create function sqroots(Number x)-> Bag of Number r
    as multidirectional
       ("bf" foreign 'sqrts' cost {2,2}) /* capability by foreign function */
       ("fb" select r*r);                /* capability by query */

Notice here that sqroots() is defined as a foreign function when x is known and r computed, while it is a derived function when r is known and x computed. This kind of functionality is useful when different methods are used for computing a function and its inverses.

A capability can be defined as a key to improve query optimization, e.g.

  create function sqroots(Number x)-> Bag of Number r
    as multidirectional
       ("bf" foreign 'sqrts' cost {2,2}) /* not unique square root per x */
       ("fb" key select r*r);            /* unique square per r */

Be very careful not to declare a binding pattern as key unless it really is a key for the arguments and results of the function. In the case of sqroots() the declaration says that if you know r you can uniquely determine x. However, there is no key for binding pattern bf since if you know x there may be severeal (i.e. two) square roots, the positive and the negative. The key declaraions are used by the system to optimize queries. Wrong key declarations may result in wrong query results because the optimizer has assumed incorrect key uniqueness.

An example of an advanced multidirectional function is the bult-in function plus() (operator +):
create function plus(Number x, Number y) -> Number r
as multidirectional
('bbf' key foreign 'plus--+') /* addition*/
('bfb' key foreign 'plus-+-') /* subtraction */
('fbb' key select x where y+x=r); /* Addition is commutative */
For further details on how to define multidirectional foreign functions for different implementation languages see  [Ris12][ER00].

6.1.1 Cost estimates

Different capabilities of multi-directional foreign functions often have different execution costs. In the sqroots() example the cost of computing the square root is higher than the cost of computing the square. When there are several alternative implementations of a multi-directional foreign function the cost-based query optimizer needs cost estimates that help it choose the most efficient implementation. In the example we might want to indicate that the cost of executing a square root is double as large as the cost of executing a square.

Furthermore, the cost of executing a query depends on the expected size of the result from a function call. This is called the fanout (or selectivity for predicates) of the call for a given binding pattern. In the multi-directional foreign function sqroots() example the implementation sqrts usually has a fanout of 2, while the implementation square has a fanout of 1.

For good query optimization each foreign function capability should have associated costs and fanouts:
The cost and fanout for a multi-directional foreign function implementation can be either specified as a constant vector of two numbers (as in sqroots()) or as an Amos II cost function returning the vector of cost and fanout for a given function call. The numbers normally need only be rough numbers, as they are used by the query optimizer to compare the costs of different possible execution plans to produce the optimal one. The number 1 for the cost of a foreign function should roughly be the cost to perform a cheap function call, such as '+' or '<'. Notice that these estimates are run a query optimization time, not when the query is executed, so the estimates must be based on meta-data about the multi-directional foreign function.

If the simplified syntax is used or no cost is specified the system tries to put reasonable default costs and fanouts on foreign functions, the default cost model. The default cost model estimates the cost based on the signature of the function, index definitions, and some other heuristics.
For example, the default cost model assumes aggregate functions are expensive to execute and combiners even more expensive. If you have expensive foreign functions you are strongly advised to specify cost and fanout estimates.

The cost function cfn is an Amos II function with signature
create function <cfn>(Function f, Vector bpat, Vector args)  
-> (Integer cost, Integer fanout) as ...;

create function typesofcost(Function f, Vector bpat, Vector args)
-> (Integer cost, Integer fanout) as foreign ...;
The cost function is normally called at compile time when the optimizer needs the cost and fanout of a function call in some query. The arguments and results of the cost function are:

f       is the full name the called Amos II function.
bpat is the binding pattern of the call as a vector of strings ’b’ and ’f’, e.g. {"f","b"} indicating which arguments in the call are bound or free, respectively.
args is a vector of actual variable names and constants used in the call.
cost is the computed estimated cost to execute a call to f with the given binding pattern and argument list. The cost to access a tuple of a stored function (by hashing) is 2; other costs are calibrated accordingly.
fanout is the estimated fanout of the execution, i.e. how many results are emitted from the execution.

If the cost hint function does not return anything it indicates that the function is not executable in the given context and the optimizer will try some other capability or execution strategy.

The costs and fanouts are normally specified as part of the capability specifications for a multi-directional foreign function definition, as in the example. The costs can also be specified after the definition of a foreign function by using the following Amos II system function:
   costhint(Charstring fn,Charstring bpat,Vector ch)->Boolean  
fn is the full name of the resolvent.
bpat is the binding pattern string.
ch is a vector with two numbers where the first number is the estimated cost and the second is the estimated fanout.

A cost function cfn can be assigned to a capability with:
costhint(Charstring fn, Charstring bpat, Function cfn)  -> Boolean

To find out what cost estimates are associated with a function use:
   costhints(Function r)-> Bag of (Charstring bpat, Object q)
It returns the cost estimates for resolvent r and their associated binding patterns.

To obtain the estimated cost of executing an Amos II  function f for a given binding pattern bp, use
   plan_cost(Function r, Charstring bp)-> (Number cost, Numbers fanout)

6.2 The relational database wrapper

There is a predefined wrapper for relational databases using the JDBC standard Java-based relational database interface. The JDBC wrapper is tested with MySQL Connector and Microsoft's SQLServer driver. 

An instance of type Relational represents a relational database and functions of type Relational implements the interface to relational databases. The general wrapper Relational is an abstract wrapper in the sense that it does not implement an interface a a specific relational DBMS therefore has no instances. Several of the database interface functions of type Relational are defined as abstract functions. In the type hierarchy  there is a specific implemented wrapper for JDBC represented by type Jdbc. The type Jdbc has one instance for each relational database JDBC connection. The type hierarchy is currently:


If some other interface than JDBC (e.g. ODBC) is used for a relational database it would require the implementation of a new wrapper also being subtype to Relational.

The use of abstract functions  type checking to find equivalent implementations for different relational database interfaces.

6.2.1 Connecting

The instances of relational data sources are created using a datasource constructor function that loads necessary drivers. Later the connect() function associates a connection object to a wrapped database using the driver.

Creating connections

For creating a relational database connection using JDBC  use the constructor:

   jdbc(Charstring dsname, Charstring driver);
where dsname is the chosen data source name and driver is the JDBC driver to use for the access. The created connection is an instance of the wrapper type Jdbc. For example, to create a connection called 'db1' to access a relational database using JDBC with MySQL call:

Connecting the data source to a database

Once the connection object has been created you can open the connection to a specific relational database:
   connect(Relational r, Charstring database, Charstring username, Charstring password) -> Relational
where r is the data source object, db is the identifier of the database to access, along with user name and password to use when accessing the database. For example, if the relational database called 'Personnel' resides on the local computer and MySQL is used for the managing it, the following opens a connection to the database for user 'U1' with password 'PW':

   connect(:db, "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Personnel", "U1", "PW");

Disconnecting from the database

Once the connection is open you can use the data source object for various manipulations of the connected database. The connection is closed with:
   disconnect(Relational r) -> Boolean
for example:


Finding a named data source

To get a relational data source object given its name use:

   relational_named(Charstring nm)-> Relational
for example:


6.2.2 Accessing meta-data

Relational meta-data are general information about the tables stored in a relational database.

Tables in database

To find out what tables there are in a relational database, use
   tables(Relational r) 
-> Bag of (Charstring table, Charstring catalog,
Charstring schema, Charstring owner)
for example
The function tables() returns a bag of tuples describing the tables stored in the relational database.

To test whether a table is present in a database use:
    has_table(Relational r, Charstring table_name) -> Boolean
for example

Columns in table

To get a description of the columns in a table use:
    columns(Relational r, Charstring table_name) 
-> Bag of (Charstring column_name, Charstring column_type)
for example


Size of table

To find out how many rows there are in a table use:
     cardinality(Relational r, Charstring table_name) -> Integer
for example

Primary keys of table

To get a description of the primary keys of a table use:
    primary_keys(relational r, charstring table_name) 
-> Bag of (charstring column_name, charstring constraint_name)
for example:

Foreign keys of table

To get information about the foreign keys referenced from a table use:
     imported_keys(Jdbc j, Charstring fktable) 
-> Bag of (Charstring pktable, Charstring pkcolumn, Charstring fkcolumn)
for example
The elements of the result tuples denote the following:
NOTICE that composite foreign keys are not supported.

 To find what keys in a table are exported as foreign keys to some other table use:
     exported_keys(Jdbc j, Charstring pktable) 
-> Bag of (Charstring pkcolumn, Charstring fktable, Charstring fkcolumn)
for example

The elements of the result tuples denote the following:
Deleting tables

The function drop_table() deletes a table from a wrapped relational database:
    drop_table(Relational r, Charstring name) -> Integer

6.2.3 Executing SQL

SQL statements

The function sql() executes an arbitrary SQL statement as a string:

    sql(Relational r, Charstring query) -> Bag of Vector results

The result is a bag of results tuples represented as vectors. If the SQL statement is an update a single tuple containing one number is returned, being the number of rows affected by the update. Example:

    sql(relational_named("db1"), "select NAME from PERSON where INCOME > 1000 and AGE>50");

Parameterized SQL statements

To execute the same SQL statement with different parameters use:

    sql(Relational r, Charstring query, Vector params) -> Bag of Vector results

The parameters params are substituted into the corresponding occurrences in the SQL statement, for example:

    sql(relational_named("db1"), "select NAME from PERSON where INCOME > ? and AGE>?", {1000,50));

Loading SQL scripts

SQL statements in a file separated with ';' can be loaded with:

    read_sql(Relational r, Charstring filename) -> Bag of Vector

The result from read_sql()
is a bag containing the result tuples from executing the read SQL statements.

Hint: If something is wrong in the script you may trace the calls inside read_sql()
to sql() by calling

6.2.4 Object-oriented views of tables

The relational wrapper allows to to define object-oriented views of data residing in a relational database. Once the view has been defined the contents of the database can be used in AmosQL queries without any explicit calls to SQL.

To regard a relational table as an Amos II type use:
    import_table(Relational r, Charstring table_name) -> Mapped_type
for example
The view is represented by a mapped type which is a type whose extent is defined by the rows of the table. Each instance of the mapped type corresponds to a row in the table. The name of the mapped type is constructed by concatenating the table name, the character _ and the data source name, for example Person_db1. Mapped type names are internally capitalized, as for other Amos II types.

For each columns in the mapped relational database table import_table() will generate a corresponding derived wrapper function returning the column's value given an instance of the mapped type. For example, a table named person having the column ssn will have a function

returning the social security number of a person from the imported relational table.

The system also allows wrapped relational tables to be transparently updated using an update statement by importing the table with:
      import_table(Relational r, 
Charstring table_name,
Boolean updatable)
-> Mappedtype mt
for example
If the flag updatable is set to true the functions in the view are transparently updatable so the relational database is updated when instances of the mapped type are created or the extent of some wrapper function updated.  For example:
      create Country_db1(currency,country) instances ("Yen","Japan");
set currency(c)= "Yen" from Country_db1 c where country(c)= "Japan";

The most general resolvent of import_table() is:

      import_table(Relational r, Charstring catalog_name,
Charstring schema_name, Charstring table_name,
Charstring typename, Boolean updatable,
Vector supertypes) -> Mappedtype mt

The table resides in the given catalog and schema. If catalog is "", the table is assumed not to be in a catalog. If schema is "", the table is assumed not to be in a schema. The parameter typename is the desired name of the mapped type created, as alternative to the system generated concatenation of table and data source name. The parameter updatable gives an updatable mapped type. The parameter supertypes is a vector of either type names or type objects, or a mixture of both. The effect is that Amos II will perceive the mapped type as an immediate subtype of the supertypes.

There are also two other variants of import_table() 
to be used for relational databases where schema and catalog names need not be specified:
      import_table(Relational r, 
Charstring table_name,
Charstring typename,
Boolean updatable,
Vector supertypes) -> Mappedtype mt
      import_table(Relational r,
Charstring table_name,
Charstring type_name,
Boolean updatable) -> Mappedtype mt

Importing many-to-many relationships

All tables in relational databases do not correspond to 'entities' in an ER diagram and therefore cannot be directly mapped to types. The most common case is tables representing many-to-many relationships between entities. Typically such tables have two columns, each of which is a foreign key imported from two other tables, expressing the many-to-many relationship between the two. Only entities are imported as types and special types are not generated for such relationship tables. A many-to-many relationship in a relational database corresponds to a function returning a bag in AmosQL, and can be imported using import_relation() rather than import_table():

For example, assume we have two entity types, person and telephone. Most of the time telephones are not regarded as entities in their own respect since nobody would care to know more about a telephone than its number. However, assume that also the physical location of the telephone is kept in the database, so telephones are an entity type of their own.

A person can be reached through several telephones, and every telephone may be answered by several person. The schema looks as follows:

ssn name ...

ssn ext_no

ext_no location ...

Now, this schema can be wrapped by the following commands:
  1. import_table(my_relational, 'person');
  2. import_table(my_relational, 'telephone');
  3. import_relation(my_relational, 'telephone', 'ssn','ext_no','phones', false);
  4. create function phones(person@my_relational p) -> telephone@my_relational t as select t where phones(ssn(p)) = ext_no(t);

Notice that only relationship functions with a single argument and result can be generated, i.e. composite foreign keys are not supported.

6.3 Defining new wrappers

Wrappers make data sources queryable. Some wrapper functionality is completely data source independent while other functionality is specific for a particular kind of data source. Therefore, to share wrapper functionality Amos II contains a type hierarchy of wrappers. In this section we describe common functionality used for defining any kind of wrapper.

6.3.1 Data sources

Objects of type Datasource describe properties of different kinds of data sources accessible through Amos II. A wrapper interfacing a particular external data manager is defined as a subtype of Datasource. For example, the types Amos, Relational, and Jdbc define interfaces to Amos II peers, relational databases, and relational data bases accessed through JDBC, respectively. These types are all subtypes of type Datasource. Each instance of a data source type represents a particular database of that kind, e.g. a particular relational database accessed trough JDBC are instances of type Jdbc.

6.3.2 Mapped types

A mapped type is a type whose instances are identified by a key consisting of one or several other objects [FR97]. Mapped types are needed when proxy objects corresponding to external values from some data source are created in a peer. For example, a wrapped relational database may have a table PERSON(SSN,NAME,AGE) where SSN is the key. One may then wish to define a mapped type named Pers representing proxy objects for the persons in the table. The instances of the proxy objects are identified by an SSN. The type Pers should furthermore have the following property functions derived from the contents of the wrapped table PERSON:

The instances and primary properties of a mapped type are defined through a source function that returns these as a set of tuples, one for each instance. In our example the source function should return tuples of three elements (ssn,name,age). The relational database wrapper will automatically generate such a source function for table PERSON (type Pers) with signature:
   pers_cc()->Bag of (Integer ssn, Charstring name, Integer age) as ...

A mapped type is defined through a system function with signature:
   create_mapped_type(Charstring name, Vector keys, Vector attrs, Charstring ccfn)-> Mappedtype
   name is the name of the mapped type
   keys is a vector of the names of the keys identifying each instance of the mapped type.
   attrs is a vector of the names of the properties of the mapped type.
   ccfn is the name of the core cluster function.

In our example the relational database wrapper will automatically define the mapped type Pers through this call:

Notice that the implementor of a mapped type must guarantee key uniqueness.

Once the mapped type is defined it can be queried as any other type, e.g.:
   select name(p) from Pers p where age(p)>45;

6.3.3 Type translation

Types in a specific data source are translated to corresponding types in Amos II using the following system functions: The most common relational types and their Amos II counterparts are provided by default. Both functions are stored functions that can be updated as desired for future wrappers.

7 System functions and commands

7.1 Comparison operators

The built-in, infix comparison operators are: 
=(Object x, Object y) -> Boolean   (infix operator =)
!=(Object x, Object y) -> Boolean  (infix operator !=) 
>(Object x, Object y) -> Boolean   (infix operator >) 
>=(Object x,Object y) -> Boolean   (infix operator >=)
<(Object x, Object y) -> Boolean   (infix operator <) 
<=(Object x,Object y) -> Boolean   (infix operator <=)
All objects can be compared. Strings are compared by characters, lists by elements, OIDs by identifier numbers. Equality between a bag and another object denotes set membership of that object. The comparison functions can be overloaded for user defined types. 

7.2 Arithmetic functions

abs(Number x) -> Number y
div(Number x, Number y)   -> Number z Infix operator /
max(Object x, Object y)   -> Object z
minus(Number x, Number y) -> Number z Infix operator - 
mod(Number x, Number y) -> Number z
plus(Number x, Number y)  -> Number z Infix operator +
times(Number x, Number y) -> Number z Infix operator * 
power(Number x, Number y) -> Number z Infix operator ^ 
iota(Integer l, Integer u)-> Bag of Integer z
sqrt(Number x) -> Number z
integer(Number x) -> Integer i Round x to nearest integer
real(Number x) -> Real r Convert x to real number
roundto(Number x, Integer d) -> Number Round x to d decimals
log10(Number x) -> Real y
iota() constructs a bag of integers between l and u
For example, to execute n times the AmosQL statement 'print(1)' do: 
for each Integer i where i in iota(1,n) 

7.3 String functions

String concatenation is made using the '+' operator, e.g.
"ab" + "cd" + "ef";  returns "abcdef"
returns "ab12de"
is illegal since the first argument of '+' must be a string.
returns "ab12" since '+' is left associative.

Count the number of characters in string.

Lowercase string.

like(Charstring string, Charstring pattern) -> Boolean
Test if string matches regular expression pattern where '*' matches sequence of characters and '?' matches single character. For example:
like("abc","??c") returns TRUE
like("ac","a*c") returns TRUE
like("ac","a?c") fails
like("abc","a[bd][dc]"); returns TRUE
like("abc","a[bd][de]"); fails

like_i(Charstring string, Charstring pattern) -> Boolean
Case insensitive like().

stringify(Object x)->Charstring s
Convert any object x into a string.

unstringify(Charstring s) -> Object x
Convert string s to object x. Inverse of stringify().

substring(Charstring string,Integer start, Integer end)->Charstring
Extract substring from given character positions. First character has position 0.

upper(Charstring s)->Charstring
Uppercase string s.

lower(Charstring s) -> Charstring
Lowercase string s.

not_empty(Charstring s) -> Boolean
Returns true if string s contains only whitespace characters (space, tab, or new line).

7.4 Aggregate functions

Aggregate functions are functions with one argument declared as a bag and that return a single result:
   aggfn(Bag of Type1 x) -> Type2
The following are examples of predefined aggregate functions:
   sum(Bag of Number x) -> Number 
   count(Bag of Object x) -> Integer
   avg(Bag of Number x) -> Real
   stdev(Bag of Number x) -> Real
   max(Bag of Object x) -> Object
   min(Bag of Object x) -> Object
Aggregate functions can be used in subqueries or bags.

The overloaded function in() implement the infix operator 'in'. It extracts each element from a collection:
in(Bag of Object b) -> Bag
in(Vector v) -> Bag
For example:
in({1,2,2}); =>

Number of objects in a bag: 
count(Bag of Object b) -> Integer
For example:
count(iota(1,100000)); =>

Sum elements in bags of numbers:
sum(Bag of Number b) -> Number 
For example:
sum(iota(1,100000)); =>

Average value in a bag of numbers:
avg(Bag of Number b) -> Real
For example:
avg(iota(1,100000)); =>

Standard deviation of values in a bag of numbers:
stdev(Bag of Number b) -> Real
For example:
stdev(iota(1,100000)); =>

Largest object in a bag: 
max(Bag of TP b) -> TP r
maxagg(Bag of Tp b) -> TP r
The type of the result is the same as the type of elements of argument bag. For example:
max(bag(3,4,2))+2; =>
maxagg() is an alias for max().

Smallest number in a bag: 
min(Bag of TP b) -> TP r
minagg(Bag of Tp b) -> TP r
The type of the result is the same as the type of elements of argument bag. For example:
minagg(bag(3,4,2))+2; =>
minagg() is an alias for min():

Test if a bag is empty. Logical quantifier NOT EXISTS: 
notany(Bag of Object b) -> Boolean b
For example:
notany(bag()); =>

notany(select n from number n where n>5 and n in {1,2,3});

Test if there are any elements in a bag. Logical quantifier EXISTS: 
some(Bag of Object b) -> Boolean b
For example:
some(iota(1,1000000)); =>

some(select n from number n where n in {1,2,3} and n < 10); =>
The aggregate function concatagg() makes a string of the elements in a bag b:
concatagg(Bag of Object b)-> Charstring s
For example:
concatagg(bag("ab",2,"cd")); =>

concatagg(inject(bag("ab",2,"cd"),",")); =>

7.4.1 Generalized aggregate functions

Normal aggregate functions return only single values. In Amos they may return collections as well, which is called generalized aggregate functions.

The generalized aggregate function unique() removes duplicates from a bag b. It implements the keyword distinct in select statements.
unique(Bag of TP b) -> Bag of TP r
The type of the result bag is the same as the type of elements of argument bag. For example:
unique(bag(1,2,1,4)); =>
The generalized aggregate function exclusive() extract non-duplicated elements from a bag b
exclusive(Bag of TP b) -> Bag of TP r
The type of the result bag is the same as the type of elements of argument bag. For example:
exclusive(bag(1,2,1,4)); =>
The generalized aggregate function inject() inserts x between elements in a bag b:
inject(Bag of Object b, Object x) -> Bag of Object r
For example:
inject(bag(1,2,3),0); =>
The generalized aggregate functions topk() and leastk() return the k highest and lowest elements in a bag of key-value pairs p:

  topk(Bag b, Number k) -> Bag of (Object rk, Object value)
  leastk(Bag b, Number k) -> Bag of (Object rk, Object value)

If the tuples in b have only one attribute (the rk attribute) the value will be nil. The limit clause of select statements provide a more general way to do this, do these functions are normally not used.

For example,
  topk(iota(1, 100), 3);

topk((select i, v[i-1]
      from Integer i, Vector v
     where i in iota(1, 5)
       and v={"", "", "", "fourth", "fifth"}), 3);

For example,
leastk(iota(1, 100), 3);

7.5 Temporal functions

Amos II supports three data types for referencing Time, Timeval, and Date.
Type Timeval  is for specifying absolute time points including year, month, and time-of-day.

The type Date specifies just year and date, and type Time specifies time of day. A limitation is that the internal operating system representation is used for representing Timeval values, which means that one cannot specify value too far in the past or future.

Constants of type Timeval are written as |year-month-day/hour:minute:second|, e.g. |1995-11-15/12:51:32|.
Constants of type Time are written as |hour:minute:second|, e.g. |12:51:32|.
Constants of type Date are written as |year-month-day|, e.g. |1995-11-15|.

The following functions exist for types Timeval, Time, and Date:

now() -> Timeval
The current absolute time.

time() -> Time
The current time-of-day.

clock() -> Real
The number of seconds since the system was started.

date() -> Date
The current year and date.

timeval(Integer year,Integer month,Integer day,
        Integer hour,Integer minute,Integer second) -> Timeval

Construct Timeval.

time(Integer hour,Integer minute,Integer second) -> Time
Construct Time.

date(Integer year,Integer month,Integer day) -> Date
Construct Date.

time(Timeval) -> Time
Extract Time from Timeval.

date(Timeval) -> Date
Extract Date from Timeval.

date_time_to_timeval(Date, Time) -> Timeval
Combine Date and Time to Timeval.

year(Timeval) -> Integer
Extract year from Timeval.

month(Timeval) -> Integer
Extract month from Timeval.

day(Timeval) -> Integer
Extract day from Timeval.

hour(Timeval) -> Integer
Extract hour from Timeval.

minute(Timeval) -> Integer
Extract minute from Timeval.

second(Timeval) -> Integer
Extract second from Timeval.

year(Date) -> Integer
Extract year from Date.

month(Date) -> Integer
Extract month from Date.

day(Date) -> Integer
Extract day from Date.

hour(Time) -> Integer
Extract hour from Time.

minute(Time) -> Integer
Extract minute from Time.

second(Time) -> Integer
Extract second from Time.

timespan(Timeval, Timeval) -> (Time, Integer usec)
Compute difference in Time and microseconds between two time values

7.6 Sorting functions

Most sorting functionality is available through the order by clause in select statement. There are several functions that can be used to sort bags or vectors. Since the select statement provides powerful sorting options, these functions usually need not be used explicitly

Sorting by tuple order

A natural sort order is often to sort the result tuples of a bag returned from a query or a function based on the sort order of all elements in the result tuples.

Function signatures:
sort(Bag b)->Vector
sort(Bag b, Charstring order)->Vector
Notice that the result of sorting an unordered bag is a vector.

For example:
Amos 1> sort(1-iota(1,3));
=> {-2,-1,0}
Amos 2> sort(1-iota(1,3),'dec');
Amos 3> sort(select i, 1-i from Number i where i in iota(1,3));
The default first case is to sort the result in increasing order.

In the second case a second argument specifies the ordering direction, which can be 'inc' (increasing) or 'dec' (decreasing). 

The third case illustrates how the result tuples are ordered for queries returning bags of  tuples. The result tuples are converted into vectors.

Notice that the sort order is not preserved if a sorted vector is converted to a bag as the query optimizer is free to return elements of bags in any order.

For example:
   select x from Number x where x in -iota(1,5) and x in sort(-iota(3,5));
returns the unsorted bag
even though
sort(-iota(3,5)) -> {-5,-4,-3}
Notice that surrogate object will be sorted too based on their OID numbers, which usually has no meaning.

Sorting bags by ordering directives

A common case is sorting of result tuples from queries and functions ordered by ordering directives. An ordering directive is a pair of a position number in a result tuple of a bag to be sorted and an ordering direction.

Function signatures:
sortbagby(Bag b, Integer pos, Charstring order) -> Vector
sortbagby(Bag b, Vector of Integer pos, Vector of Charstring order)->Vector
For example:
Amos 1> sortbagby((select i, mod(i,2) from Number i where i in iota(1,3)),1,'dec');
=> {{3,1},{2,0},{1,1}}
Amos 2> sortbagby((select i, mod(i,2) from Number i where i in iota(1,3)),{2,1},{'inc','inc'});
=> {{2,0},{1,1},{3,1}}
In the first case a single tuple ordering directive i specified by two arguments, one for the tuple position and one for the ordering direction. The result tuple positions are enumerated 1 and up.

The second case illustrates how several tuples positions with different ordering directions can be specified.

Sorting bags or vectors with a custom comparison function

This group of sort functions are useful to sort bags or vectors of either objects or tuples with a custom function supplied by the user. Either the function object or function named can be supplied. The comparison function must take two arguments with types compatible with the elements of the bag or the vector and return a boolean value. Signatures:
sortvector(Vector v1, Function compfno) -> Vector
sortvector(Vector v, Charstring compfn) -> Vector
sortbag(Bag b, Function compfno) -> Vector
sortbag(Bag b, Charstring compfn) -> Vector
create function younger(Person p1, Person p2) -> Boolean 
as age(p1) < age(p2);

/* Sort all persons ordered by their age */
sortbag((select p from Person p), 'YOUNGER');

7.7 Accessing system meta-data

The data that the system internally uses for maintaining the database is exposed to the query language as well and can be queried in terms of types and functions as other data. For example:

7.7.1 Type meta-data

alltypes() -> Bag of Type
returns all types in the database.

subtypes(Type t) -> Bag of Type s
supertypes(Type t) -> Bag of Type s

returns the types immediately below/above type t in the type hierarchy.

allsupertypes(Type t) -> Bag of Type s
returns all types above t in the type hierarchy.

typesof(Object o) -> Bag of Object t
returns the type set of an object.

typeof(Object o) -> Type t
returns the most specific type of an object.

typenamed(Charstring nm) -> Type t
returns the type named nm. Notice that type names are in upper case.

name(Type t) -> Charstring nm
returns the name of the type t.

attributes(Type t) -> Bag of Function g
returns the generic functions having a single argument of type t and a single result.

methods(Type t) -> Bag of Function r
returns the resolvents having a single argument of type t and a single result.

cardinality(Type t) -> Integer c
returns the number of object of type t and all its subtypes.

objectname(Object o, Charstring nm) -> Boolean
returns true if the object o has the name nm.

7.7.2 Function meta-data

allfunctions() -> Bag of Function
returns all functions in the database.

functionnamed(Charstring nm) -> Function
returns the object representing the function named nm. Useful for second order functions.

theresolvent(Charstring nm) -> Function
returns the single resolvent of a generic function named nm. If there is more than one resolvent for nm an error is raised. If fn is the name of a resolvent its functional is returned.  The notation #'...' is syntactic sugar for theresolvent('..');

name(Function f) -> Charstring
returns the name of the function f.

signature(Function f)  -> Charstring
returns the signature of f.

kindoffunction(Function f) -> Charstring
returns the kind of the function f as a string. The result can be one of 'stored', 'derived', 'foreign' or 'overloaded'.

generic(Function f) -> Function
returns the generic function of a resolvent.

resolvents(Function g) -> Bag of Function
returns the resolvents of an overloaded function g.

resolvents(Charstring fn) -> Bag of Function
retturns the resolvents of an overloaded function named fn.

resolventtype(Function f) -> Bag  of Type
returns the types of only the first argument of the resolvents of function resolvent f.

arguments(Function r) -> Bag of Vector
returns vector describing arguments of signature of resolvent r. Each element in the vector is a triplet (vector) describing one of the arguments with structure {type,name,uniqueness} where type is the type of the argument, name is the name of the argument, and uniqueness is either key or nonkey depending on the declaration of the argument.. For example,
--> {{#[OID 371 "TIMEVAL"],"TV1","nonkey"},
     {#[OID 371 "TIMEVAL"],"TV2","nonkey"}}

results(Function r) -> Bag of Vector
Analogous to arguments for result (tuple) of function.

arity(Function f)-> Integer
returns the number of arguments of function.

width(Function f) -> Integer
returns the width of the result tuple of function f.

7.8 Searching source code

The source codes of all functions except some basic system functions are stored in the database. You can retrieve the source code for a particular function, search for functions whose names contain some string, or make searches based on the source code itself. Some system functions are available to do this.

apropos(Charstring str) -> Bag of Function
returns all functions in the system whose names contains the string str. Only the generic name of the function is used in the search. The string is not case sensitive. For example:
returns all functions whose generic name contains 'qrt'.

signature(Function f) -> Charstring
returns the signature of f. For example:

doc(Charstring str) -> Bag of Charstring
returns the available documentations of all functions in the system whose names contain the (non case sensitive) string str. For example:

sourcecode(Function f) -> Bag of Charstring
sourcecode(Charstring fname) -> Bag of Charstring
returns the sourcecode of a function f, if available. For generic functions the sources of all resolvents are returned. For example:

To find all functions whose definitions contain the string 'tclose' use:
     select sc
     from Function f, Charstring sc
     where like_i(sc,"*tclose*") and source_text(f)=sc;

usedwhere(Function f) -> Function c
returns the functions calling the function f.

useswhich(Function f) -> Function c
returns the functions called from the function f.

userfunctions() -> Bag of Function
returns all user defined functions in the database.

usertypes() -> Bag of Type
returns all user defined types in the database.

allfunctions(Type t)-> Bag of Function
returns all functions where one of the arguments are of type t.

7.9 Extents

The local Amos II database can be regarded as a set of extents. There are two kinds of extents:

7.10 Query optimizer tuning

optmethod(Charstring new) -> Charstring old
sets the optimization method used for cost-based optimization in Amos II to the method named new.
Three optimization modes for AmosQL queries can be chosen:

: (default) is fast but not always optimal. 
"exhaustive": is optimal but it may slow down the optimizer considerably.
: is a combination of two random optimization heuristics:
Iterative improvement and sequence heuristics [Nas93].

optmethod returns the old setting of the optimization method.

Random optimization can be tuned by using the function: 
optlevel(Integer i,Integer j);
where i and j are integers specifying number of iterations in iterative improvement and sequence heuristics, respectively. Default settings is i=5 and j=5
reoptimize(Function f) -> Boolean
reoptimize(Charstring fn) -> Boolean
reoptimizes function named fn.

7.11 Indexing

The system supports indexing on any single argument or result of a stored function. Indexes can be unique or non-unique. A unique index disallows storing different values for the indexed argument or result. The cardinality constraint key of stored functions (Cardinality Constraints) is implemented as unique indexes. By default the system puts a unique index on the first argument of stored functions. That index can be made non-unique by suffixing the first argument declaration with the keyword nonkey or specifying Bag of for the result, in which case a non-unique index is used instead.

For example, in the following function there can be only one name per person:

      create function name(Person)->Charstring as stored;
By contrast, names() allow more than one name per person: 
      create function names(Person p)->Bag of Charstring nm as stored;
Any other argument or result declaration can be suffixed with the keyword key to indicate the position of a unique index. For example, the following definition puts a unique index on nm to prohibit two persons to have the same name:
      create function name(Person p)->Charstring nm key as stored;
Indexes can also be explicitly created on any argument or result with a procedural system function create_index():
      create_index(Charstring fn, Charstring arg, Charstring index_type,
Charstring uniqueness)
For example:
      create_index(">charstring", "nm", "hash", "unique");
create_index("names", "charstring", "mbtree", "multiple");
The parameters of create_index() are:

fn: The name of a stored function. Use the resolvent name for overloaded functions.

arg: The name of the argument/result parameter to be indexed. When unambiguous, the names of types of arguments/results can also be used here.

index_type: The kind of index to put on the argument/result. The supported index types are currently hash indexes (type hash), ordered main-memory B-tree indexes (type mbtree), and X-tree spatial indexes (type xtree). The default index for key/nonkey declarations is hash.

uniqueness: Index uniqueness indicated by unique for unique indexes and multiple for non-unique indexes.

Indexes are deleted by the procedural system function:

      drop_index(Charstring functioname, Charstring argname); 
The meaning of the parameters are as for function create_index(). There must always be at least one index left on each stored function and therefore the system will never delete the last remaining index on a stored function.

To save space it is possible to delete the default index on the first argument of a stored function. For example, the following stored function maps parts to unique identifiers through a unique hash index on the identifier:

      create type Part; 
create function partid(Part p)->Integer id as stored;
partid() will have two indexes, one on p and one on id. To drop the index on p do the following:
      drop_index('partid', 'p');

7.12 Clustering

Functions can be clustered by creating multiple result stored functions, and then each individual function can be defined as a derived function. 

For example, to cluster the properties name and address of persons one can define:  

create function personprops(Person p) -> 
        (Charstring name,Charstring address) as stored; 
create function name(Person p) -> Charstring nm 
  as select nm
from Charstring a 
      where personprops(p) = (nm,a); 
create function address(Person p) -> Charstring a 
  as select a
from Charstring nm 
      where personprops(p) = (nm,a);
Clustering does not improve the execution time performance significantly. However, clustering can decrease the database size considerably. 

7.13 Unloading

The data stored in the local database can be unloaded to a text file as an unload script of AmosQL statements generated by the system. The state of the database can be restored by loading the unload script as any other AmosQL file. Unloading is useful for backups and for transporting data between different systems such as different Amos II versions or Amos II systems running on different computers. The unload script can be edited in case the schema has changed.

unload(Charstring filename)->Boolean
generates an AmosQL script that restores the current local database state if loaded into an Amos II peer with the same schema as the current one.

excluded_fns()->Bag of Function
set of functions that should not be unloaded. Can be updated by user.

7.14 Miscellaneous

apply(Function fn, Vector args) -> Bag of Vector r
calls the AmosQL function fn
with elements in vector args as arguments and returns the result tuples as vectors r.

evalv(Charstring stmt) -> Bag of Vector r
evaluates the AmosQL statement  stmt
and returns the result tuples as vectors r.

error(Charstring msg) -> Boolean
prints an error message on the terminal and raises an exception. Transaction aborted.

print(Object x) -> Boolean
prints x. Always returns true. The printing is by default to the standard output (console) of the Amos II server where print() is executed but can be redirected to a file by the function openwritefile:

openwritefile(Charstring filename)->Boolean
openwritefile() changes the output stream for print()  to the specified filename. The file is closed and output directed to standard output by calling closewritefile().

filedate(Charstring file) -> Date

returns the time for modification or creation of  a file.

amos_version() -> Charstring
returns string identifying the current version of Amos II.

quits Amos II. If the system is registered as a peer it will be removed from the name server.

returns to the program that called Amos II if the system is embedded in some other system.

starts the multi-database browser GOOVI[CR01]. This works only under JavaAmos.

The redirect statement reads AmosQL statements from a file: 

redirect-stmt ::= '<' string-constant
For example 
< 'person.amosql';

load_amosql(Charstring filename)->Charstring
loads a file containing AmosQL statements as the redirect statement.

loadSystem(Charstring dir, Charstring filename)->Charstring
loads a master file, filename, containing an AmosQL script defining a subsystem. The current directory is temporarily set to dir while loading. The file is not loaded if it was previously loaded into the database. To see what master files are currently loaded, call loadedSystems().

getenv(Charstring var)->Charstring value
retrieves the value of OS environment variable var. Generates an error of variable not set.

The trace() and untrace() functions are used for tracing foreign function calls:

    trace(Function fno)->Bag of Function r
  trace(Charstring fn)->Bag of Function r
  untrace(Function fno)->Bag of Function r
  untrace(Charstring fn)->Bag of Function r

If an overloaded functions is (un)traced it means that all its resolvents are (un)traced. Results are the foreign functions (un)traced. For example:

Amos 2> trace("iota");
Amos 2> iota(1,3);
Amos 2>

dp(Object x, Number priority)-> Boolean
For debug printing in where clauses. Prints x on the console. Always returns true. The placement of dp in the execution plan is regulated with priority which must be positive numeric constant. The higher priority the earlier in the execution plan.

8 References

[CR01]K.Cassel and T.Risch: An Object-Oriented Multi-Mediator Browser. Presented at 2nd International Workshop on User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems, Zürich, Switzerland, May 31 - June 1, 2001

[ER00] D.Elin and T. Risch: Amos II Java Interfaces,  Uppsala University, 2000.

[FR95] S. Flodin and T. Risch, Processing Object-Oriented Queries with Invertible Late Bound Functions, Proc. VLDB Conf., Zürich, Switzerland, 1995.

[FR97] G. Fahl and T. Risch: Query Processing over Object Views of Relational Data, The VLDB Journal , Vol. 6 No. 4, November 1997, pp 261-281.

[JR99a] V.Josifovski, T.Risch: Functional Query Optimization over Object-Oriented Views for Data Integration Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), Vol. 12, No. 2-3, 1999.

[JR99b] V.Josifovski, T.Risch: Integrating Heterogeneous Overlapping Databases through Object-Oriented Transformations. In Proc. 25th Intl. Conf. On Very Large Databases, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 1999.

[JR02] V.Josifovski, T.Risch: Query Decomposition for a Distributed Object-Oriented Mediator System . Distributed and Parallel Databases J., Kluwer, May 2002.

[KJR03] T.Katchaounov, V.Josifovski, and T.Risch: Scalable View Expansion in a Peer Mediator System, Proc. 8th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2003), Kyoto, Japan, March 2003.

[LR92] W.Litwin and T.Risch: Main Memory Oriented Optimization of OO Queries Using Typed Datalog with Foreign Predicates, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 6, December 1992 ( 

[Nas93] J.Näs: Randomized optimization of object oriented queries in a main memory database management system, MSc thesis, LiTH-IDA-Ex 9325 Linköping University 1993.

[Ris12] T.Risch: Amos II C Interfaces, Uppsala University, 2012.

[Ris06]T.Risch: ALisp v2 User's Guide, Uppsala University, 2006.

[RJK03] T.Risch, V.Josifovski, and T.Katchaounov: Functional Data Integration in a Distributed Mediator System, in P.Gray, L.Kerschberg, P.King, and A.Poulovassilis (eds.): Functional Approach to Data Management - Modeling, Analyzing and Integrating Heterogeneous Data, Springer, ISBN 3-540-00375-4, 2003.